Touching and Teasing

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"Wanyin, don't talk while eating." Lan XiChen orders in a tone the exudes confidence and refinement. It makes the younger wonder what was cooking in the latter's mind.

"Is the food to your liking?" XiChen enquires as soon as Jiang Cheng tastes the dishes that don't look like anything he remembers eating when he was a student here all those years ago.

There is something unreadable in Zewu Jun's eyes that Jiang Cheng has never seen before. It makes him feel out of his element. He looks at the closed door and back at the man in front of him. 'Don't talk while eating.' The words come back to him, and he nods, making the latter smile.

The two men finish their meal in silence, and XiChen removes the trays gesturing the younger man to sit in front of him. 

Lan XiChen pours the tea in the bowls in complete concentration, Jiang Cheng continues to feel anxious. 

 Finally, Lan XiChen speaks. His voice calm and steady, "Wanyin, is the charm still in place?"

"Yes." As soon as the words are out of Jiang Cheng's mouth, XiChen pulls him towards himself and captures his mouth. The younger man gasps, giving the Lan clan leader a chance to lick into his mouth.

The shock wares off soon enough, and Jiang Cheng gets onboard. The kiss, just like the others before, is less than perfect, but it lacks urgency. They kiss for what feels like ages; till both run out of breath.

"Wanyin, I like you." Older Jade confesses. He pulls Jiang Cheng into his lap and leaves a trail of kisses from his jaw to the collar of his robes. Jiang Cheng remains silent. He had not expected Zewu Jun to accept him, let alone make the first move.

"I want you." He continues embracing the younger man, kissing his neck, stroking his back.

"Me too." Jiang Cheng finally voices returning the embrace, "But it's not easy for us to have this." He adds; XiChen nods, "I am afraid that is the truth." XiChen's arm drop to his sides, and he leans away, cupping the latter's face, "That's not the only thing." He hesitates, "I don't know if I will be any good at it... I have never been with anyone." His face colors. "But I don't want to let you go either."

"What are you trying to say, Zewu Jun?"

"Honestly, I don't know. Before I saw you at the mess, I had decided that I will deny myself this," Lan XiChen's hand moves to his heart, "The way I have been feeling, since we...kissed." He pauses and closes his eyes, sighing, "But as soon as I saw you, I...I realized that I wanted to be selfish just this once." He takes a deep breath, "I don't know what the future holds, but right now, I have decided that I want to be...Mh! His last words get drowned as Jiang Cheng crushes their lips together. Unprepared, Zewu Jun loses balance; his back hits the ground. 

 He pulls Jiang Cheng with him. Jiang Cheng mirror's the things Zewu Jun had done just moments ago, making the latter squirm under him.

Zewu Jun's hands wander over to the younger clan leader's hips, and he reverses their position, unexpectedly pinning Jiang Cheng's hands over his head. Their chest heave as they stare at the other's spit slicked lips, "Wanyin, frown for me." Zewu Jun orders, pulling at the belts holding Jiang Cheng's upper garments.

 Heart pounding with anticipation, the Jiang clan leader enquires, "Why?"

"I love it when you frown. I like the way your eyes narrow and blaze. It's beautiful."

Jiang Cheng blinks, dumbfounded, but before he can say more, the older pushes his outer robes to a side; his long slender fingers gently caress the latter's neck and collar bone, "Please," He urges, and Jiang Cheng finds it impossible to refuse. He frowns, and a moment after that, finds himself rid of his top garments entirely.

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