The Disguise

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"Are you fucking kidding me Jiang Cheng! There is no way I am going to pretend to be a woman...that too your woman!" Wei Ying says.

Jiang Cheng smirks, "Pretending to be my woman would grant you safe passage."

"Jiang Cheng, why do I feel like you are enjoying yourself a little too much. " Wei Ying says pouting.

"Wei Wuxian, think of it as a play. And you are the princess." Jiang Cheng says walking closer to his Senior brother.

"Jiang Cheng, but it's not a play and I am not playing a princess...if anything, I am playing a whore!" Wei Ying says, color rising to his cheeks.

"Wei Wuxian I guess there is a first time for everything. Just treat it as a new experience." Jiang Cheng says leading Wei Ying towards Yenay's quarters.

"Wei Wuxian, A Jie's cloths will fit you with a little ultration...This new body of yours feels smaller than the one you had earlier." Jiang Cheng says giving Wei Ying a once over.

"Jiang Cheng, don't look at me like that... Hanguang Jun doesn't like anyone looking at me." Wei Ying says before winking.

"Wei Wuxian! Everything changed but your shamelessness is still the same." Jiang Cheng says closing the door to Yenay's quarters.

"Jiang Cheng, why can't we follow our original plan?"

"I got a news sometime back that they are thoroughly checking every man that is leaving lotus cove. They are following them even after they are dropped." Jiang Cheng says his brows knit and he continues, "If you leave in a carriage with Feng and enter the brothel they will not follow you in. And you can sneak out later."

"Jiang Cheng, your idea makes sense, but how will you pass me off as a lady?" Wei Ying asks smugly.

Jiang Cheng drags his Senior brother in front to a full length mirror and removes the shawl he has been wearing on the pretext of feeling cold ,"Wei Wuxian, I hate to admit it, but you have always been cute.... But now... " Jiang Cheng takes a few steps back, "Now... like this... We only need to fix your hair and outfit...maybe some other bits... I am sure you will pass off as a lady."

Wei Ying looks at himself properly, his cheeks have a light tint, his lips are a little swollen and he has bite marks all over his neck.
"Fuck." Wei Ying mutters.

He has nothing else to say.

"I will let Hanguang Jun know where to find you. The brothel, it's the nearest brothel to Yunmeng... It's very reputed as well." Jiang Cheng's smirk widens.

"And why will they let me enter it? It will be my first time there." Wei Ying says trying to find a loop hole in the plan.

"I already sent someone there to inform that a Lady will be arriving there... Ammm, I have informed them that you will be having only one visitor...a young master who wants to protect his reputation so he is seeing you in secret." Jiang Cheng's face flushes a little as events of the night before flash through his mind. He drops his gaze.

Wei Ying stands there contemplating on how this will affect his plan.

"I have a feeling Hanguang Jun will not mind." Jiang Cheng finally says looking up and smirking again.

Wei Ying makes a sour expression before saying, "Jiang Cheng, aren't you enjoying yourself a little too much!?"

"That's just your imagination. I am a mature Clan leader. I don't take pleasure in someone's pain." Jiang Cheng says fringing seriousness.

After a minute or so, Wei Ying smiles wide, "Jiang Cheng, if I am to be humiliated like this I must share it with are afterall my brother...and a mature Clan leader."

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