An Untruthful Account

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*Lotus cove*

Jiang Cheng gives a dirty look to Su She before walking out of the council hall. He stops before exiting and turns to Meng Yao, "Clan leader, before we were so rudely interrupted, you were going to tell me something, please come to the main courtyard if you want to continue our conversation. I am in charge here, so I have to take care of guests and make them as comfortable as possible. No thanks to you."

With that said, Jiang Cheng makes his way towards the courtyard.

Meng Yao asks Su She to take a seat. Su She looks around to make sure that they are alone before he speaks, "Clan leader, as instructed, I went and enquired with the old couple who stay at the outskirts of Yunmeng."

"And?" Meng Yao urges his subordinate to continue.

Su She leans closer and speaks in hushed tone,"She was very apprehensive at first, but when I gave her silver and told her that her life maybe in danger, she spilled the beans. She said that, two cultivators had taken shelter in her home a few days ago. She described their appearance and she said that one was hurt.... clan leader, it was them."

Meng Yao nods and smiles.

Su She continues, "She said that they took care of the undead corpses that were threatening their safety... She was not sure which one of them had done it, as she was not at home at that time."

"So, Yiling patriarch was still alive when Hanguang Jun brought him there?" Meng Yao asks to confirm.

"Yes...clan leader," Su She hesitates before continuing. Meng Yao nods encouragingly at his subordinate so Su She continues, "The old woman said that they looked intimate."

"What!?" Meng Yao's eyes widen in surprise, but soon his surprised look turns to a smirk, "Now, it all makes sense. No wonder Hanguang Jun followed Yiling patriarch so faithfully.. no wonder he stood up to protect his home in burial mounds even after Wei Wuxian's death, no wonder he took those lashes willingly... he was in love with that dumb do gooder this whole time!.... Su She, tell me more." he commands

Su She nods and continues, "She said that, Hanguang Jun gave her silver to rent the whole cottage. The money was good, so she took it and left to stay with her relative for a day or so. When she returned she found that the injured man was better...healthier. But the duo left almost immediately after their return, stating that they had some things to take care of. She said that the injured man was holding a bamboo flute and did not carry a sword even thought the other had called him a cultivator."

"So it really was Wei Wuxian. Are you sure she said bamboo flute?" Meng Yao asks his brows knitting together.

"Yes, clan leader. I asked her twice."

"What happened next?" Meng Yao asks when Su She doesn't continue.

Su She looks at Meng Yao with confusion clear in his eyes, "She... she said that....that when they returned, Hanguang Jun looked devastated...and there was a weird man accompanying them and... that man was carrying the injured man in his arms... She said that...Hanguang Jun had returned with Yiling patriarch's body."

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Meng Yao exclaimed, his brows furrowing in confusion, "Su She, are you sure that's what she said."

Su She nods and continues, "I asked her to describe his appearance once more at this point. She described Wei Wuxian perfectly, right to the mole just below the lower lip."

"What happened next?"

Su She goes on to tell Meng Yao how, Hanguang Jun had paid them for their services and asked the weird looking man to leave them. But the weird man had not left. He had hung around Hanguang Jun, as if keeping an eye on him. When the old woman had checked Wei Wuxian's vitals and pronounced him dead, Hanguang Jun had refused to believe the lady and had insisted that he was alive. He had asked the weird looking man to arrange a cart and after he had returned with the cart, Hanguang Jun had loaded Wei Ying in the cart and holding the bamboo flute and a brown sword to his chest he had joined his dead friend in the cart and left them.

The Lonely Bridge (WangXian Fan fiction)✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu