A Lotus and a Jade (1)

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The old physician quirks his brow and shrugs, "Clan leader Jiang, it's what it sounds like."

Jiang Cheng shakes his head, "I urge you to elaborate, please." He begs, confusing both Elder Bao and Zewu Jun.

Noticing that Jiang Cheng is unsure of what to expect, the physician gives in and elaborates. "Imagine penning down a book that holds your most treasured memories; things that are closest to your heart, your dreams and desires; everything that makes you who you are, and give it to the one who you are ready to show all of yourself to; merging of cores is something like that. Then it is left to your mind and his, as to what part of you gets exposed."

Jiang Cheng gulps, "Fuck!" He mutters under his breath and closes his eyes. "I assume that's the only way to save Wei WuXian and Lan Wangji?" He questions, even though he knows that he is right. That karma hates him and loves seeing him miserable.

The old man nods, confirming his fears, "And will we remember all that has come to light because of merging of cores?"

The physician nods again, "Technically, yes. But if you would rather forget what you have discovered, we have a technique for that as well."

Lan XiChen gasps, "Elder, does the technique belong to our clan?" He asks, utterly scandalized. "But that goes against our rules." He points out, but before Elder Bao can reply, Jiang Cheng interrupts, "I am sure it has its uses, Zewu Jun."

"I suppose it does, but it still doesn't sit well with me."

"Zewu Jun, you are not alone in this. And the level of cultivation and skill required to master this art is very high as well. To date, only a handful of clan members have been able to perfect it."

"I presume you are one of them." Jiang Cheng guesses hopefully, but almost immediately, his hopes go up in flames when Bao shakes his head, "Unfortunately, I couldn't master it, not for lack of trying though." He reminisces and chuckles.

"Elder, then who mastered it?" Zewu Jun asks, feeling perplexed; the physician points at Lan Zhan and Wei Ying's bodies, "The only cultivators to have mastered the art are presently lying unconscious in front of you." He informs.

"What!?" Jiang Cheng exclaims, and Zewu Jun's eyes widen, "When?" He enquires.

"Years ago." The Elder replies.

"What about Wei WuXian? When did he learn it." Jiang Cheng asks.

"A few months after he started studying here. Come to think of it, even though Lan Wangji learned it faster, Wei WuXian learned it better." The elder elaborates. When he finishes, two pairs of eyes urge him to explain further.

The old man sighs, "That's all know. It's all in the book of records. Since it's a special technique, anyone who masters it has to mention it in the book of spells."

Understanding dawns on Zewu Jun, "That explains the confounded looks on the soldiers' faces at the cave. Wangji must have made them forget."


"Lan Zhan, what are you talking about?" Wei Ying asks, holding his husband's hand, "Why can't you let them see?"

"I have done things... " Lan Zhan starts, but Wei Ying interrupts him, "Yes, you have. But how does that matter? I have never blamed you for them."

Tears roll down Lan Zhan's cheeks, "You haven't seen everything... You haven't seen all the times..."

"Maybe I haven't, and it doesn't matter. Lan Zhan, don't you see that whatever you did, we did, I have never blamed you for it!"

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