Prejudice and Loyalty

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Lan Zhan puts a hand on Wei Ying's shoulder when he sees the Yiling patriarch's eyes turn red with anger.

"Wei Ying, what's wrong?"

"Lan Zhan, look." Wei Ying points at Su She's now exposed chest.

Lan Zhan's face darkens, "These look like the remnants of a curse." The light bearer observes, crouching next to Su She who is struggling to get out of Wen Ning's grip.

"They are not remnants of a curse, Lan Zhan. They are marks that a caster bears, as a price for casting a spell that can harm others.

Wen Ning, who has been up till now, only focusing on holding their captive still, shifts and sits facing the clan leader.

"Thousand mark curse!" The ghost general exclaims and looks at Wei Ying.

Jin Ling cuts through the crowd of disciples and crouches down next to the captive clan leader, "Is it... " He stutters unable to form the words. He has heard about this curse. It's the curse Wei Ying had been accused of using on his uncle, Jin Zixun.

Wei Ying moves Wen Ning out of the way and pulls Su She up by his collar. Without looking at Lan Zhan, he growls, "Lan Zhan remove the silencing charm from him and cast it around us. I have done questions for clan leader Su."

The way Wei Ying says the words, has everyone except the light bearer a little scared. They cower subconsciously.

'Fuck! Uncle Wei can be scary when he wants to be.' Jin Ling muses, utterly impressed with his infamous uncle.

A second later, Lan Zhan informs, "It's done."

"Speak." Wei Ying orders, directing his gaze at a trembling Su She.

The clan leader purses his lips and shakes his head.

Wei Ying smiles menacingly, "You know Minshan, though I never killed without a reason, those who died, did so quiet painfully."

Su She gulps and looks away.

Wei Ying puts his finger under Su She's chin and forces him to make eye contact, "One way or the other, I will have the truth. Whether or not you are in one piece by the end of it, is entirely up to you."

When Su She continues to remain quiet, Lan Zhan unsheathes Bichen and puts it on the clan leader's shoulder, "Wei Ying, I don't think he believes you."

Lan Zhan looks directly at Su She, "Clan leader Su, unlike Wei Ying, I don't believe in giving second chances, either you tell us the truth now, or continue to lose a limb for every time you chose to remain silent."

Wei Ying holds his husband's wrist, "Lan Zhan, wait. I think Su She is just being loyal, I understand that." He pauses and looks at the clan leader, "Clan leader, what have I ever done to you that has made you want to hurt me?"

"You are unruly, proud, and untamed. You were a nobody, yet they praised you." Su She finally speaks. And it's like a dam has broken, "You, an orphan, did whatever you wanted and got away with it. What's more, you even bewitched Hanguang Jun to help you." Su She chuckles mirthlessly, "And you," He shifts his eyes towards Lan Zhan, "Always proud, winning at everything, having name and fame bestowed upon you...looking down on commoners like me. Thinking of us as less than yourself... "

Wei Ying loses control and slaps Su She leaving everyone shocked, "Lan Zhan never looked down on you, you fool. And he did not get everything without deserving it. He worked hard for everything he has achieved. And he has suffered for...." Wei Ying trails off, remembering that his husband may not want things of private nature to get exposed.

The Lonely Bridge (WangXian Fan fiction)✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें