The Hidden and The Forgotten

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Lan XiChen pats his brother's back, "Wangji, pull yourself together. I don't know if you know this, but Master Wei and you are sharing your core. If your condition is unstable, it will affect him."

Meanwhile, Elder Bao approaches Lan Zhan and hands him a cup with clear blue liquid, "Drink this. It will help you repel the dark energy on you." He takes a seat next to him and checks Wei Ying's pulse. Smiling, he continues, "Hanguang Jun, master Wei's pulse is stronger now."

The physician's words don't help, "What about his wounds? What about the demonic energy?" Lan Zhan asks, his eyes glued to his husband's face, "He is looking so pale."

"Lan Wangji, trust me, he is looking much better now than he did when we brought you both here." Jiang Cheng explains.

"Worse than this!?" Lan Zhan's brows crease. XiChen turns him, "Wangji, both of you were in a much terrible state. When you left him in the in-between realm, what did he tell you?"

"That he will follow me." The light bearer mutters, sounding like a lost child. He turns to Wei Ying, "Elder, what should I do? How can I help?" He enquires. The physician smiles and guides the bowl of liquid to his mouth, "Drink this."

Lan Zhan gulps it down in one go. If one were to ask how he liked it, the light bearer would be at a loss for words, for neither the liquid nor anything else made sense to him anymore.

"What now?" He demands, wiping his lips with the back of his sleeve before going back to staring at Wei Ying again.

"Stay with him. Meditate and strengthen your core. Clear your mind. Remember the good times. That way, your positivity will reach him. It will help him recover faster." The Elder instructs and gestures the two clan leaders to follow him.

Once they are out of Lan Zhan's ear-shot, the physician voices his thoughts, "We have done all we can. We don't know what the Yiling patriarch did while in the in-between realm. But it's not the right time to push Hanguang Jun for answers either. We need to give them space."

"Will it be alright to leave them alone?" XiChen questions hesitantly, "After all, even Wangji himself isn't looking too good."

The Elder physician shrugs, "They are partners. Maybe he can do for the young master what we couldn't." He pauses and looks at Lan Zhan, "Love is all-consuming. I believe that Master Wei is fighting to get back; Hanguang Jun is his light; the only light that can pull him out of darkness."

The two clan leaders nod. The physician continues, "I need to give Hanguang Jun some instructions. It's late. Both of you have had a long day. I suggest you both rest as well. I will ask my disciple to stand guard and retire for the night." The Elder turns but stops and looks at Lan XiChen, "Zewu Jun, what did you see in the in-between realm?"

Lan XiChen, who was walking away already, stops dead in his tracks. He turns, "Elder?"

"I am curious to know what both of you saw." Bao elaborates.
Color drains from both clan leaders faces. Jiang Cheng gives a restrained smile, "Just some memories that we had forgotten-"

"And some that weren't." XiChen adds, making the physician stroke his beard, "Curious... " He contemplates, "When did you see them? I mean, at what point in the in-between realm did you see them?"

Both clan leaders remain silent. It's not they want to hide anything. It's just that they didn't know how or what to say.

The Elder sighs, "I was wondering if anything you saw can help the young master."

The old man's words make the cultivators feel guilty, and both stutter simultaneously, "When we entered... "
XiChen stops and gestures Jiang Cheng to continue. For it was the latter who had woken up first; it was also him that had made sure that XiChen accept him. 'He made me accept him. The warmth on my lips.'
XiChen's heart skips a beat, 'I am tired and drained.' He reasons and closes his eyes.

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