An Unexpected Kiss

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*Somewhere between conscious and subconscious mind:- The in-between realm*

"Zewu Jun! please wake up! Zewu Jun!" A desperate Jiang Cheng shakes the older Jade's shoulder, trying to wake him up.

As soon as the clan leaders' cores had merged and they had fallen asleep, Jiang Cheng had opened his eyes and found Zewu Jun lying next to him, unmoving. He had looked around the empty white space and wondered where they were and how much time had passed.

Jiang Cheng had guessed that probably their cores had merged successfully, for they were definitely not in the physical realm. What bothered him, however, was that he could neither see nor hear Zewu Jun's thoughts. It was like the older Jade had still not accepted him.

Jiang Cheng knew how important it was to let their energies flow unrestrained if they were to form a connection with their brothers. He yells Zewu Jun's name over and over again.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity to Jiang Cheng, the older man stirs and opens her eyes; Jiang Cheng leaves a shaky breath and helps XiChen sit up.

"Zewu Jun, we need to hurry."

"Jiang Cheng, where are we?" The latter enquires.

"I am not sure. I think..." Jiang Cheng's face colors, "I think you have not accepted my core completely."

Zewu Jun gulps, "I am sorry, I Ah!" He winces. He grips the front of his chest and closes his eyes.

"Zewu Jun!" Jiang Cheng exclaims, holding the older Jade in his arms and feels a stabbing pain in his heart.

He closes his eyes.

When they open their eyes, they find themselves in the library pavilion.

"Why the fuck am I here!?" Jiang Cheng blurts out; Zewu Jun clears his throat, and Jiang Cheng realizes that he fucked up. He feels like swearing again, but he knows that it will only make matters worse, so he bows, "My apologies, Zewu Jun, but why are we at the library pavilion!?" He wonders aloud.

But before Zewu Jun can answer, the scene dissolves, and they are back at the sunshot campaign.

Jiang Cheng panics and looks for his sword; he feels the latter's hand on his shoulder, "They are just memories. You can't change them. And they can't hurt you."

The scene shifts again, and they find themselves in Jiang Cheng's room. It's the evening Zewu Jun had pretended to be sick to trick Meng Yao.

Both clan leaders wonder why they had ended up here, but none voices his thoughts. They watch the scene unfold:

"Zewu Jun, I will see you in the morning." Jiang Cheng says, turning away from the older Jade.

"Clan leader, wait." Zewu Jun calls, making the younger man turn.

"What is it, Zewu Jun?" Jiang Cheng enquires, walking towards him. The older man picks up the Lan headband from under his pillow and hands it to the Jiang clan leader, "Lying is against our clan's rule. As long as I am lying, I don't deserve to have this with me." Zewu Jun sighs, "Meng Yao is my sworn brother; he has never once harmed me, or our clan, and yet I am lying to him."

"Zewu Jun... " Jiang Cheng starts, but Zewu Jun shakes his head, "I know what you are going to say. The fact is that I don't feel comfortable wearing this at the moment. Could you keep it with you till Meng Yao is found guilty?"

"Zewu Jun, how can I? It's sacred."

"Jiang Cheng, I feel like I have already tainted it. I don't want to- Jiang Cheng, I trust you to take care of it. My brother and yours are- they are close. Wangji even trusted you with our clan's most private communication technique. And the fact that you were able to carry it out successfully means that you are someone I can trust. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable-" He is interrupted by Jiang Cheng, who accepts the headband and nods, "I will carry it with me till you are ready to take it back."

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