Special 17: The Shameless and The Disgraceful

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"Stop it." Wangji had bellowed and turned away. No, Wangji had not been angry; he had been embarrassed. The more Wei Ying had teased, the hotter he had felt. He had thus turned away to hide his growing and hardening shame.

But Wei Ying had not listened. He had turned Lan Wangji around forcefully and caressed his cheek, "Lan Zhan, aren't you going to remind me.. Hehe." He had leaned in and nipped his jaw.

Wangji had gasped. Panicking, he had backed Wei Ying up against the wall and wrapped his fingers around his throat, "Don't touch me!" He had growled.

Wei Ying had shut up immediately. His eyes had widened and locked on to Wangji's. "Lan... Lan- Zhan. Let. Go." He had tried to get the words out and tried to pry away Wangji's fingers.

Wangji had wanted to rip off the insolent boy's clothes and leave bruises all over his milky white skin. He had felt the need to enter him and spill into the warm, tight space. He had wanted to bite those luscious lips and lick the mole at the corner of his lips, which had been teasing him since the first time they had met. Images of them connected in the most intimate ways had flashed before his eyes, and reflexively, his grip on Wei Ying had tightened.

"Lan. Zhan. You are hurting me!" Wei Ying had struggled to breathe; his eyes had misinterpreted the desire and lust in Wangji's eyes as hate, disgust, and rage. The younger man had understood the error of his ways and had vowed never do it again.

Summoning his spiritual energy, Wei Ying had pushed Wangji away. Wangji had not expected that. He had fallen and hit the floor. The impact of Yang energy had cleared his mind.

The pain from being hit had not even registered. For just then, all he could think about what he had done and who he had hurt. Without getting up, he had looked at Wei Ying, who had slid down and was gasping for breath. Five red indents visible on his long slender neck.

'I did that. I hurt Wei Ying! I had vowed to protect him, but I hurt him again!' Wangji had lamented. He had thought to apologize, but before he could, Wei Ying had spoken in a low voice, his expression pained, "Lan Zhan, I am sorry. I crossed a line. I will never do it again."

Wei Ying's words had been like knives piercing the younger Jade's heart, but what could he have done!? He had never been good with words, so he remained silent. A few moments had passed in awkward silence. And then, Lan Wangji had stood up. "I have to go out. Don't let the water go to waste." He had muttered before picking up a spare set of clothes kept for by the innkeeper and left the room.

Only after Lan Wangji had exited the room had he let his emotions show on his face. Shame, guilt, pain, and anger danced across his beautiful features. He had stood outside the door with his hand over his heart, reprimanding himself over and over. Silent tears had rolled down his face and mingled with his already wet clothes.

However, when Lan Wangji had walked to the innkeeper after having rid himself of tears, there was no way to tell from outside the pain held under tight wraps of the expressionless man's heart.

"Master, was the bathwater not to your liking?" The innkeeper had asked, taking in the young man's appearance.

"No, it was fine. What is wrong with the hot spring?" Wangji had asked, coming straight to the point.

The inn keeper's face had paled, "Are you planning to report this place." The innkeeper had fallen to his knees, "Young master, it was not my fault. The employee just wanted to make some quick cash. In any case, you were there alone... "

"The reason. Now." Wangji had demanded; fearing the killing intent in Wangji's eyes, the latter had caved, "After the sun sets. The water becomes enchanted. It- if anyone dares to step into it, they will feel intense pleasure." Averting his gaze, the man had continued, " They would fall into a lust-filled haze. If two or more were to enter and touch each other, they would lose their senses. They would..." The innkeeper had not been able to complete; he didn't have to, for the meaning had been clear.

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