Not the Time or Place

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{Note :- Kinda Mature content. Will put A/N at the start and end for those who want to skip it}

By the time Lan Zhan and Wei Ying arrive at the the Yunmeng market it is already mid afternoon. The sun is bright and hot. The streets are filled with men women and kids waiting to be served at the many shops already open.
"It looks crowded." Lan Zhan says slowing down.
Wei Ying casually holds Lan Zhan's hands and increases their pace again.

"Wei Ying! What are you doing?" Lan Zhan asks tips of his ears turning red.

"Why Lan Zhan... I am just giving you moral support." Wei Ying says sweetly smiling and adds, "I know Hanguang Jun doesn't like crowds."

'He remembers.' Lan Zhan's mind whispers and a small smile forms on his face. Lan Zhan holds Wei Ying's hand more firmly.

Wei Ying excitedly looks around the various shops and the people.
"Lan Zhan, isn't Yunmeng beautiful." Wei Ying says smiling innocently.


"Lan Zhan, when you came here yesterday was it not like this?" Wei Ying asks.

"No. It looks much more active today. There was barely anyone here yesterday." Lan Zhan answers.

"Mn.. Let's go ask around." Wei Ying says pulling Lan Zhan towards a shop selling lotus seeds.

"Young masters, how may I help you?" The vender asks politely.

"Give us a pack of your best quality seeds." Wei Ying replies.

While the vendor is preparing the pack he asks, "The market looks more crowded today. Is there a special occasion? "

"Oh. No. No occasion. It's just that there was a problem on the outskirts of the market for the past few months." the vendor says, and lowers his voice, "undead corpse infestation."

"Oh." Wei Ying fringes surprise.

"But luckily a young cultivator took care of it yesterday and the news spread so people are rejoicing." The vendor says happily.

Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan and winks knowingly.

They take the packet and start walking towards the cottage.

Once they are on the outskirts Wei Ying slows down.
"What is it?" Lan Zhan asks as he puts his hands around Wei Ying's shoulder sensing something wrong.

"I guess all the shopping we did has drained me a bit Hanguang Jun....I am fine." Wei Ying says smiling.

'He is tired. He looks weak. He needs to rest.' Lan Zhan thinks .
"Wei Ying, we should stop and rest if you are tired. We have time. We don't have to rush." Lan Zhan says worriedly.

Wei Ying can see how worried Lan Zhan is.
Wei Ying cups Lan Zhan's face with his hand and say, "Lan Zhan, let's just go to the cottage first. I can rest there OK? "

"I think I should carry you." Lan Zhan says softly's barely more than a whisper. Lan Zhan knows he will be refused.

Wei Ying smiles and starts walking again.

'Why do you want to act like you are OK all the time. Let me take care of you Wei Ying.' Lan Zhan thinks as they keep walking.

They approach the cottage.
They see the midwife and a man in his 70s sitting outside skinning chicken.
As soon as the midwife sees them she approaches them and bows.

"Young masters, you are back." the midwife says happily.

Wei Ying looks at the old man and says,  "That must be your husband. He is back I see."

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