An Unexpected Occurance

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*Burial mounds*

Wei Ying puts his hands inside the front of his robes and takes out the Lan headband. He hands it to Lan Zhan, "Keep it safe for me." He says smiling mischievously.

Lan Zhan returns the smile...but it's loaded with worry.

Wei Ying nods encouragingly and is about to enter into the hall and reveal himself, when Lan Zhan stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, I think they will drift off to sleep any moment now." Lan Zhan says, gesturing towards the guards who are swaying on the spot due to excessive alcohol consumption.

Wei Ying agrees and a few minutes later, the guards are out cold.
The Yiling patriarch walks into the hall and starts playing Chenqing. Lan Zhan follows Wei Ying into the hall and squeezes the nape of the guards neck one by one making sure that the music doesn't disturb their slumber.
Lan Zhan stands next to Wei Ying, and takes out his zither.

Slowly black smoke starts to surround Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looks at his husband with worried eyes.

They had decided to do the calming music only if required, since the calming music had a distinct tone, a tone which Su She would no doubt be able to recognize.

The black smoke thicknes and starts swirling around Wei Ying. Lan Zhan moves closer to Wei Ying and he too is enveloped by the smoke.

As more and more resentful energy gets attracted to Wei Ying, the people who were thus far conscience less zombies start to get disoriented, and the pull of the negative energy makes them enter the hall.

Wei Ying's hands start shivering as more and more smoke starts entering him. He keeps a smile plastered on his lips, but Lan Zhan can clearly see the pain his husband is enduring.

His hands hover over his zinther but Wei Ying's gaze stops him.

'Wei Ying, please.' The light bearer mouths, but Wei Ying doesn't stop.
A few seconds later, there is a faint noise of foot steps and Su She enters the hall surrounded by the not so undead corpses.

Su She immediately puts two and two together and before trying to control the corpses, he takes out his zither and strums a few cords.

He laughs and walks towards the smoke swirling around in the centre of the hall. He can't see Wei Ying, but he knows the music, "Wei Wuxian, I know it's you. I never believed it fully that you were dead. And now, my master knows too." He informs.

Inside the smoke, things start getting out of hand. Lan Zhan notices Wei Ying struggling in the earnest and starts playing his Zinther.

"Hanguang Jun!" Su She exclaims and attacks Lan Zhan with his demonic music cords.

Seeing Lan Zhan in trouble Wei Ying changes the tune he is playing and the black smoke blocks the waves emitting out of Su She's instrument.

Realizing that he can't win against the combined forces of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, Su She takes out his portal creating talisman.

"Noooooo!" Wei Ying yells. He knows that if Su She manages to escape now, it's game over for them.

Su She almost finishes reciting the spell, when two strong hands land on his shoulder. They grab him tight and throw him a few feet in the air.

Not having been able to complete the spell, the talisman in Su She's hand, burns to a crisp and becomes useless.
Su She falls to the floor with a loud thud. Already having dispensed almost all his spiritual energy, he looses conciseness at the impact.
Wen Ning grabs his wrists and ties it behind his back, making sure that the clan leader can't escape even after regaining consciousness.

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