Truth and Reputation

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Time slows down for Lan XiChen as he sees the saber fly through the air aiming for Wei Ying, "Master Wei!" The older Jade exclaims, and shields the younger man with his body.

This draws Jiang Cheng's attention, and he throws Sando at the saber, which intercepts it midair, and the two spiritual weapons fall to the floor. 

The clang of the metals makes Wei Ying and Lan Zhan turn simultaneously, but just then, a knife flies through the air at Zewu Jun. 

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen, and without hesitation, he moves in front of the older Jade.

A split second later, the knife makes contact with Jiang Cheng's chest, and Wei Ying yells, "Jiang Chengggg!".

Jiang Cheng hits the ground.

"Jiang Wanyin!" Zewu Jun exclaims, pulling the man who had just saved his life twice in a matter of seconds, into his lap. Next to the two, lies Su She's dismembered hand, twitching, before it goes still.

The silence is deafening.

Lan Zhan crouches next to the now unconscious clan leader and checks his pulse.

"Alive but unconscious." The light bearer declares.

The undead corpses fall back, and the stale air dissipates. Fresh scents of greens fill the air.

But of course, all of this goes unnoticed, for all eyes are on Su She's dismembered arm and a very bewildered looking Jiang Cheng.

"Don't you ever scare me like that, ever again!" Wei Ying reprimands his hotheaded brother before pulling him into his arms. 'You dumb fuck' remains unsaid but understood.

"I am fine, Wei Wuxian." The young clan leader comforts his senior brother, returning the embrace.

In the meanwhile, Zewu Jun picks up the knife that had caused the momentary panic and examines it. "It's A Yao's." He mutters under his breath and looks in the direction the knife had come from. "Wangji, I think he fled." Zewu Jun observes with a far away, dejected look in his eyes. With his brows creased, he looks at Jiang Cheng, who is trying to free himself from Wei Ying's embrace, "Wanyin, I am sorry." He whispers, before walking towards the source of the saber's origin.

Lan Zhan catches up, "Brother, it's not safe. He possesses a part of Ying iron, and he is not afraid to use it." The light bearer reasons.

Lan XiChen directs a broken smile at his concerned brother, "Wangji, A Yao... Meng Yao has done unforgivable things, but I still believe that he can't... he won't hurt me."

"Brother... "

"Wangji, I need to do this." The older Jade interjects, "If I don't find him, I will return to..."

"I won't go to cloud reassess without you, brother." Lan Zhan states, and XiChen nods, "That's for the best. Go to Yunmeng. I will come find you there by tonight."

Lan Zhan doesn't question his brother, nor does he ask to accompany him. He had always known what Meng Yao meant to his brother, so he just nods and goes back to where the clan leaders are still a little spooked and looking around themselves apprehensively.

"Wei Ying, " Lan Zhan calls, his tone, cold.

Wei Ying looks at his husband and shifts away from Jiang Cheng before looking around, "Lan Zhan, where is Zewu Jun?"

"He went to look for Meng Yao." Lan Zhan informs. 

Jiang Cheng at once rises to his feet, 

"What!? When?" He asks, frantically looking around.

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