Special 16: We can Bathe Together

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{Note :- Starts where Special 15 left off.
Trigger warning :- Mature content. Dub-con.

After the things that had happened in the cursed temple, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had continued on their journey to look for more pieces of Yin iron. Along the way, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng had joined them.

They had got a tip about a haunted mansion and gone to investigate, where they had captured the well-known ruthless fugitive, Xue Yang, with help from Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen.

Nie sect was the closest, so the young men had sent a word to arrange for the prisoner to be transferred and held there. 

Everyone except Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang had taken turns interrogating the perpetually smirking man; in the end, however, it had all been useless, for Xue Yang had not divulged anything of significance.

Lan Zhan had hated the criminal at first sight. No, it was not just because the man exuded a malicious aura, but also because this man was eyeing Wei Ying from head to toe constantly. He even had a given Wei Ying a coquettish look when he was giving him a patdown!

The problem was that Lan Wangji was not the only one who had observed that. Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng had noticed it too. After the four young cultivators had left Xue Yang in Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen's care, they had proceeded to go to an inn.

When the four young cultivators had sat down to have their dinner, Lan Wangji, who had been carrying a part of the Yin iron, had felt restless. As the other three had chatted, Lan Wangji had sat there wondering about what the future held. He couldn't help but think that this was probably the last time he would be seeing Wei Ying. For, the Jiang Clan leader had already taken Wei Ying away from cloud recesses.

Of course, Lan Wangji had mastered the art of hiding his emotions, and thus, his face almost showed nothing, well almost. For here was one in their group who had noticed the second Jade behaving unusually grumpy. The person was none other than Wei WuXian, who on the pretext of finding the best wine, had left the group and returned after a few minutes with a jar of the inn's best wine and a mischievous smile.

After finishing their supper, the cultivators had approached the innkeeper and asked for four rooms. 

 "Aigoooo, we don't have four rooms available at the moment. Will two do?" The innkeeper had asked and added, "The rooms are quite big. Two can easily share one room."

Hearing this, both Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang had panicked and blurted out simultaneously, "I will share with Wei Ying!" Then they had looked at the other apologetically.

"Hehe... I never knew both of you love me soooo much!" He had said, irritating Lan Wangji to no end, "Good. The three of you can sleep in one room. I will take the other." He had said expressionlessly. More than anything, the young master Lan had wanted to share the room with Wei Ying, but he could not bring himself to say it. So he did what he always did, he tried to distance himself from the others.

The innkeeper had looked at the four awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "This lowly one is embarrassed. The rooms can not hold more than two individuals." He had then turned to Wei Ying and continued, "I suggest you sort it out... "

"Are there any rooms?" A young couple had entered just then and asked for a room.

Lan Wangji had acted quickly then, "The inn is full. My apologies." He had bowed. The young couple had shaken their head disappointedly before walking out.

Then the second Jade had turned to the innkeeper and demanded, "Show us the rooms." With that, he had walked away. The innkeeper had no choice but to hurry behind him.

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