I thought you left...

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{Note :- Mature Language. Will mark the start and end with A/N}

The back of Wei Ying's legs hit the bed and he stops.

{A/N For Language}

He looks at Lan Zhan's flushed face and kiss swollen lips and asks seductively, "Lan Zhan... do you like it when I kiss you like this?"


"Hanguang Jun... are you hard for me right now?"


"Lan Er gege... do you want me to make you come right now?"

Lan Zhan doesn't answer, he captures Wei Ying's lips again and slides his tongue inside touching, stroking...sucking.


Lan Zhan's hands hurriedly try to undo the belts on Wei Ying's robes....but the younger man stops him.

Wei Ying breaks the kiss and puts a hand on Lan Zhan's chest and pushes him away a little bit.

Lan Zhan stares dumbly at his husband.
Wei Ying smiles mischievously, "Heal yourself. I can't have my husband at any disadvantage before going into battle. Join me once you are done cultivating....I need you to be at your best tomorrow. "

'What just happened?... I thought he wanted me to... Why did he kiss me like that?...Why did he lead me on???' Lan Zhan doesn't understand.

Then the Yiling patriarch turns around, discards his top night robes and gets on bed alone....shirtless.
"Hanguang Jun... this is a payback for all the times you left me high and dry." Wei Ying finishes with an evil smile and winks at his husband.

Lan Zhan looks on, as Wei Ying , looking totally unaffected turns away from him and falls asleep.

Lan Zhan gets an eyeful of his husband's beautifully sculpted milky white back... which he can't get his hands on at the moment.
'You truly are Yiling patriarch when it comes to getting revenge.' Lan Zhan thinks and walks to the other side of the room... He calms himself.. which proves to be very difficult since he can't get Wei Ying's tempting body out of his mind.... But eventually he succeeds and begins to work on restoring his spiritual energy.

*Jiang Cheng's jingshin*

Having decided to leave for Yunmeng the next morning, Jiang Cheng sends a message to Meng Yao to have a meeting before he leaves. To his surprise, instead of asking him to meet at the hall Meng Yao accompanied by Jin Ling visit Jiang Cheng at his room. Jiang Cheng is a little surprised and taken aback but quickly recovers.

The two men sit in front of each other with Jin Ling sitting next to Meng Yao.

"Clan leader Cheng, I want to personally apologize to you for refusing your request for sending men to patrol Yunmeng." Meng Yao says as if accessing the damage his refusal has caused.

"Clan leader, I don't want to discuss it further if it's OK with you. The reason I asked to meet you is to simply thank you for your hospitality and to inform you that I will be leaving for Yunmeng tomorrow. I would like Jin Ling to come with me." Jiang Cheng informs.

"You never said anything about taking Jin Ling earlier when we spoke. What has brought about this change in plans?" Meng Yao asks curiously while a look of surprise crosses the young boy's face.

"I thought about what you said. Wei Wuxian is not stupid enough to set foot in Yunmeng. But since he holds a grudge against Jin Ling and you he might attack Lanling. I would feel more at ease with my nephew next to me safe and sound." Jiang Cheng pauses and adds in a superior tone, "I have informed my house staff to make sure my arrival is not leaked to anyone. Wei Wuxian will think Jin Ling is still in Lanling. This way you too won't have to worry about Jin Ling getting hurt."

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