Hold me, please

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"I wanted to make you smile." The light bearer replies, his face colors as he continues, "I wanted you to be happy, I guess."

"Lan Zhan, did you have such feelings for me then too? We were kids, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying giggles. His trademark naughty smile tugs at his lips, "Hanguang Jun, and here I was, thinking you were... "

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan puts a hand on his husband's mouth, "Don't interrupt when-" Lan Zhan gasps, the tips of his ears turn scarlet, and he immediately removes his hand. He looks at his now moist palm and narrows his eyes. Wei Ying chuckles, "Don't act like I hurt you. I merely licked your palm. Now, Go on. I am listening."

"Your core had newly awoken. You had probably not even started learning about circulating the spiritual energy. Still, when you saw that I had exhausted my spiritual energy trying to heal the saplings, you helped me." A smile tugs at the corner of the light bearer's lips at the old, yet precious memory, "You must have seen someone transfer core energies and you tried to imitate the act. Of course, it did not work. You pouted. I think you were frustrated."

"Yes, I was." Wei Ying recalls, nodding, "I had seen uncle do it somewhere and was aware that transferring spiritual energy was a way to rejuvenate the other person's core."

Lan Zhan nods and continues, "That is when you pulled out a piece of candy from the front of your robes; I think it was the only one you had. You probably treasured it and yet you gave it to me."

"Hanguang Jun, if I remember correctly, I did not just give it to you, I fed it to you. Forcefully." Wei Ying reminds, a smile flutters across his face before it is replaced with curiosity, "Lan Zhan, were you forbidden from having candy!?"

"Mn." The light bearer nods and smiles, "That was the first time I had broken a rule." He replies fondly.

"My apologies, Lan Zhan. It seems I have been making you break the rules since I was a child." The younger man says, his brows creasing, "You should have refused!"

Lan Zhan shakes his head, "I couldn't refuse you. I didn't want to refuse you. I guess I have never had it in me to refuse you, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying looks at the empty bowl of soup and gulps, for he really couldn't keep looking at his husband without disregarding the physician's orders. He wanted to throw himself in Lan Zhan's arms and kiss him senseless!

Lan Zhan holds the younger's wrist and continues, "That day, I wanted to ask you your name, but before I could, your sister arrived. You looked up at me and smiled... "

"I told you to wait for me. But when I returned, you were gone."

"Yes. Brother had come looking for me, and we had to leave. I couldn't ask him to wait. I wasn't sure if you would return... "

"I am sorry, Lan Zhan. I should have made myself clear."

"It was not your fault. I was the one who left." The light bearer states, finally looking at his husband. "Wei Ying, your smile, I carried it back with me to Gusu. I carry it still..." Lan Zhan whispers, moving his hand over his heart. "I never wanted to forget it, so I started composing a song."

Tears stream down Wei Ying's face as he continues to listen to his husband pour his heart out for the first time, "The song was special. Every time I played it, it made me happy. So I thought that it would make mother happy as well." Lan Zhan's voice breaks. He pauses and looks at the latter, who is smiling through his tears. "What's wrong, Wei Ying? Does it hurt a lot? Do you need..."

"Just go on, you fuddy-duddy! I am fine." Wei Ying interrupts. He pats the side of his bed, beckoning his husband closer. When Lan Zhan obliges, Wei Ying rests his head over his husband's shoulder and intertwines their fingers.

The Lonely Bridge (WangXian Fan fiction)✔️Where stories live. Discover now