83. Imagine Chanyeol

422 17 2

Requested. Sorry this is a long chapter.


"Good morning, (y/n)!"

"Good morning, Yuri!"

"Good Morning, (y/n)!"

"Good Morning, Jun!"

About three months ago, I decided to pack up my stuff and moved to Seoul. I don't know why but I just decided to up and go.

I'm currently working as a makeup artist at the SM Entertainment company. Today is my first day working here, I have been training for the past two months.

I walked towards a makeup room to meet with the manager of a group.

I opened the door, "Excuse me? I'm (y/n) and I was told to meet here.."

I saw a man, he got up, "Oh! Hello, yes! You must be the new makeup artist."

I nodded and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Please sit down (y/n) right?"

"That's correct, sir."

"I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Tak Youngjun. Just call me manager-nim or Mr. Tak."

I nodded as he continued talking.

"You'll be working with a very popular boy group, we needed an extra makeup artist because they'll start getting busy soon with their comebacks."

I nodded.

"There are some set of rules for you and only you.."

I raised one of my eyebrows, "Why..only me?..sir."

"I understand how you feel, all of the female staff members that we have hired so far are all married or engage. Most are also older than the boys, but you are probably the youngest one there and doesn't seem to be in a relationship."

"Ahh..I see.."

"Yes, so the rules for you is that you are here to work to help put make up on them, to fix their makeup when you see there are any flaws, and to help the other staff members. You can talk to the members of the group and help them if they need it. What you cannot do..is to date them or "flirt" with them. They need to focus on their comebacks, alright. Any questions?"

I shook my head, "I complete understand, sir and I will do my best."

He smiled and nodded, "Ok, let's go meet the rest of the staff members."

- Time Skip -

After meeting with the other staff members, I was given my schedule. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day. I was finally gonna meet the boy group in about 2 hours. I was getting nervous as the minutes went by. From what I heard from the other staff members, when the group finally debuted, they immediately became popular and was very well favored; already making millions.

I heard the door creak open, I got up and looked at the door.

"(Y/N)~ you ready?" Yoona said.

I took a deep breathe, "Yep!"

After walking up to the third floor, I can hear music coming from one of the room. As we got closer, I can feel the ground shake from the bass in the music.

Yoona opened the door and I followed through. I turned my back to close the door and the music stopped causing me to turn around.

My eyes widen, I started to count them off. Twelve..there was twelve of them..no one told me that..

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