33. Imagine Xiumin

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FOR Jenina

"YAH!!! JENINA PAIL PAIL!!!!" my friend Alex (a girl) said. I was running towards her, but she kept back up! "YAH! Stop backing up!" She laughed and I finally caught up to her. Today we going to the EXO concert!!! I couldn't sleep last night, I was to excited.

We finally got to our seats and guess what! We got Backstage passes! That is what I am talking about!! Alex and me started talking to keep each other from freaking out, then the lights started to dim out. That was when I knew it was starting. Then it went dark, EXO then popped out on stage, and everybody in the room scream. I too did scream!! First they performed "Wolf" and then "History", "MAMA", and then "Growl". Everyone in the room was cheering and some were even crying, for sure I knew Alex was crying, I just laughed at her. While they were performing "GROWL" Xiumin and I made eye contact. When I saw him look at me, my heart skipped, and I blushed. I looked at him again, and he winked at me. That melted me inside, I smiled and looked away.

-----------------Xiumin's POV--------------------------

I was on stage performing "GROWL" when I saw a VERY cute, pretty, and beautiful girl, we made eye contact, and my heart skipped a beat, I can telling that she was blushing, so I decided to wink at her. That I know melted her. I have to meet her!!

----------------Your POV-------------------------------

My friend kept screaming and yes, I did too!! Then EXO sang "Open Arms" and "Baby Don't Cry". Most people cried, I almost did but I controlled myself. I spotted Xiumin looking at me, my heart started beating fast, maybe even faster. I looked away and looked back again, he was still looking at me, I blushed. And then the concert ended.

I was SO excited, it was time for Alex and me to go backstage. A lot people had backstage pass, most were girls and some were boys. I stood there with Alex, I looked at Alex; she was on her phone, texting someone. "Who are you texting?" I asked, she looked at me and answered, "My dad, he just came back from the army and he has a surprise for me!!" I felt happy for her, her dad went to join the army to training, not literally the "ARMY" She was so happy. We waited for EXO to come out, most people who got the backstage passes started to complain, I believe some were even sasaeng fan. I was talking to Alex when I felt someone pushing me, I turned and a boy fan he looked at me, "Oh~ Mianhae!" I smiled at him, "It's ok" I was so lucky because we were close to the edge of the stairs and I could of tumble down the stairs.

We waited for like 30 minutes now, I was guessing they had to change first. Finally, EXO came and everyone started pushing and pulling others, I got separated for Alex and someone elbowed me in the stomach, and the fell backward towards the stairs, I closed my eyes, and felt someone catch me. I open my eyes and looked up, it was XIUMIN WHO CAUGHT ME!!!!! I blushed and he helped me up. My hand was on my stomach and he put his arms around me and sat me down at chair. I couldn't stop staring at him, he looked at me and I blushed and looked away. He put his hand on my stomach and I blushed, I looked at him, he smiled, "Does it hurt?" I shook my head as in a no. He smiled and said, "Ok, just stay here, OK?" He then ruffled my hair.

---------------Xiumin's POV--------------------------

I didn't know her name but I can tell she was in pain, her stomach must have hurt a lot. I was talking to fans and I saw her friend apoplgizing about leaving her. I smiled, She has a nice friend that really cares.

------------Your POV----------------------------------

I looked at Xiumin and he was looking at me too, I blush. OMO!! XIUMIN IS LOOKING AT ME!!!!! I looked at him again and he was walking towards me, "Does your stomach still hurt?" I nodded. IT FREAKIN HURTS!!! "My friend left to get something for me to drink." he smile, I can die now~ "I'm glad, I made eye contact with you in the crowd." I looked at him and blushed. "W-What?" he chuckled. He came close to my face and kissed my cheek. I was shocked and just froze there, "I don't beileve in love at first sight but when I saw you I think I do now~" he said blushing and whule rubbing the back of his neck. I went close to his face and kissed his cheeks. 

---------------Xiumin's POV------------------------

S-SHE KISSED ME!!!!!!!!! I looked at her and she smiled, "I'm Jenina." I love her name, "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I smirked at her. She blushed and sightly punched me. I chuckled and sat next to her, and kissed her cheek again. 

"I love you, Jenina~" 

Hey~ Jenina I know you didn't ask for a requests but your sister loves you so much, she asked me to write you one an so I did!! I hope you like it!! Your sister loves you so much, she talks about you to me all the time~ I found that really cute!! 


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