2. Imagine Kris

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In this story, you and your classmates were in a relay race, Kris (your crush) was with you too!! Please continue if you want to know he confesses to you!!

(______ is your name)

"Today is finally the day!" you said as you put your hair up into a high ponytail. You walked out of your house and went to school, where everybody was, when you got there your best friend ran to you to gives you a hug. You were happy to see her! You both practice for the relay, you both stretch and then both ran around the track field, you made it first, you look back and she was a few feet behind, then you shout, "Hurry the relay is about to start!" She ran towards you and you hug her and you both laugh.

----------------------------KRIS'S POV--------------------------

When I saw her running, the wind made her hair fly, and she looked beautiful!! I melted inside. Too bad she doesn't know that I like her. She is everything to me, my friend tap me, turn around, "It time for the relay." I nodded, and walk to the line, next to _______, she looked up at me, and smiled, I blush and smiled back, I love how she is a few inches shorter than me.

---------------------------YOUR'S POV------------------------

"OMG, HE IS STANDING NEXT TO ME _________JUST STAY CALM!!" You looked at him and OMG! You melted inside. The sunlight was shining his hair, it was a pretty yellow blonde, he saw you looking at him as he bend down and gave you a quick peck on the lips! Your eyes widen, and you froze there and then it was time for the relay and you were gonna run the 200 meters, you were gonna run the 800 but you injured your leg a long time ago but your leg was still weak, so 200 would be the best.

Your best friend was running first and she was running the 200, and then you were. The ref blow the whistle, she took off and she was third person, you cheered for her and you were telling her to go fast next thing you know she WON!! She came to you and hugged you. You were so happy, they called the people who are racing for the next 200 meter race. You got into your place, you looked at Kris and he was smiling at you, you still can't believe he kissed you, but you were happy because your first kiss got stolen by your crush, you loved Kris ever since middle school.

The ref was about to blow the whistle, you got back into focus, and you knew you were gonna win this no matter what! The ref blow the whistle, you took off as the first person to go up first, you ran and ran, not a single breathe wasted and guess what.............. YOU WON!!! You got a medal for first place in the 200 meter fast for the fastest time, 32 secs.

You were breathing really hard, but you were happy! Kris was next to run the 600 meter, you didn't know if you suppose to cheer him on or not, the ref blow the whistle and he took off, he ran so fast, that you died inside, out of nowhere, you got and said, "RUN KRIS!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!" He looked at you, he smiled and that got him energized, and he WON!!

"Today, must be the luckiest day ever, my best-friend won her race, everyone almost did some got third and second, I won my race, Kris won his, and I got a kiss from him!!" I thought to myself, and then in a mumbled I said, "Kris.......kissed......me?!" and you ran away, because you were blushing so hard, Kris got his medal and turn to look at you but you weren't there.....

---------------------------------KRIS'S POV--------------------------------

I turn around to look at ___________ but she wasn't there, I look around but, I couldn't find her, then I saw her running towards the locker room, I ran after her.

---------------------------------YOUR POV----------------------------------------------

"I have no idea, why I was running but, I just ran." you thought to yourself.

"________!!!" Kris said whiling running after you!!

You turn and your eyes open wide, he hugged you, and whisper in your ears while catching his breathe, "Thank you for cheering for me!" I smiled and took my hand and wrapped it around him, he kissed my forehead and I smiled and blush.

"I always wanted this ______, I always loved you, I thought you never loved me, I'm so happy, and I so grateful to have you here with me, right here, right now!! WO AN NI!"

I blushed so hard, his kind, loving words touched you that you started crying.

He wiped my tears and kissed my nose and made his way down to my lips, now we are kissing, his lips formed into a smile, I smiled to because I could feel it, and we separated and I said, "Kris, I always have loved you, ever since middle school, and I too am grateful to have you, right here, right now."

We both can feel our heartbeats together, beating so fast and it was like a song, he held me close as we looked at the sunset in front of us!

"Its so beautiful!" you said.

"But, now as beautiful as you _____."

You blushed and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He blushed and just held you very close and sang "Baby" a song of EXO M to you.

You closed your eyes while your head was on his chest.

I hope you like it!! Remember to Comment and Vote! 😘

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