44. Imagine Baekhyun

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FOR Abby~






I was calling for my boyfriend, but he didn't answer. I was getting a little worried. "Oppa!?". Nothing. I went upstairs into our room, he wasn't there. I checked the bathroom, he wasn't there either.

"Oppa, if you're trying to scare my it won't work."


Then, it hit me. I walked down the stairs, and walked outside to our BIG backyard, and there I saw my oppa with our baby girl. I smiled.

----Baekhyun's POV----

I looked down at my little baby girl, we named her Cho Hee, she looked just like Abby. I was outside, carrying our baby. I was singing "Baby Don't Cry" to her, she giggled in my arms, and she looked at me, deeply into my eyes. I stared back, and made funny faces at her. She giggled and I heard the sliding door open, I turned and I saw Abby, standing there by the door. She was smiling, "Morning Oppa~" I smiled, "Morning, Yeobo ~" She walked towards me, and she tiptoed and peck my lips. Cho Hee giggled.

I decided to give her to Cho Hee to Abby. Abby stick her arms out and I gave Cho Hee to her.

--Your's POV--

Baekhyun gave Cho Hee to me, and I held her against my chest, she nuzzled into my neck and I giggled. Baekhyun lifted my chin, I looked at him. "Cho Hee and you have the exact same giggle." I giggled again and he chuckled.

We stayed outside for a few minutes, and then we went inside. "Oppa, what do you want to eat for breakfast?", I asked as I gave Cho Hee to him. "I want congee." I smiled and nodded. He put Cho Hee in her high chair, and she was giggling. I was cooking congee, and I kept on sneaking glances at Baekhyun and Cho Hee, He was making funny faces at Cho Hee, and she kept on giggling.

---Few Minutes Later---

"Babe! Here is your congee." I place the bowl in front of him, and his eyes sparkle, I smiled at him. I sat down and started feeding Cho Hee. I kept giggling because when ever I extend the spoon out, she would lean forward and open her mouth. Then I felt to strong arms wrap around my waist.

"JAGIYA!!!!! YOU'RE COOKING IS SOO GOOD!!!!" He pecked my cheek. I smiled and continue feeding Cho Hee. I looked at Baekhyun. He was pouting. "Bwoya?" "I want you to feed me." I laughed.

Cho Hee grabbed the spoon, dipped it in the congee, and lift the spoon back up toward Baekhyun. Baekhyun's eyes sparkled, and ate the congee on the spoon, and Cho Hee squeal.

I giggled at how cute she is. I continue feeding her and she continue feeding Baekhyun. After breakfast, we just had a normal family day.



P.S. The baby on the side is Cho Hee

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