12. Imagine Sehun

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I was just waking up to my alarm clock, I click it off, I stretched on my bed and I then walked up to the bathroom and got ready, I curled my hair, put a little bit of make up on, changed my clothes into a white button up shirt, with black tights, and my white chucks. I checked myself in the mirrors and nodded my head, I went to the kitchen, and my mom was making breakfast, she put my food down and kissed me good morning, then she left. I was on my phone checking my messages, I was reading the messages Sehun and I text, I smiled while reading some, and laughed while reading some, Sehun was my best friends since kindergarten, I remember how we became friends, he was bullied in kindergarten by the others boy and I came in like a prince and save him, I wasn't sure if you remembers that but I care about is now I'm in love with him.

----------Sehun's POV------

I was in my room pacing back and fourth, wondering if I should send Pauline a good morning message, I reread the message and smile and laugh at some messages, I love Pauline so much, I still remember how she saved me in kindergarten, I still can't believe that, the little brave girl became such a shy, cute, beautiful girl, I'm so lucky to have her as a best friend. I wanted to confess to her but, I didn't know how I even asked my sister, she just gave me nonsense. I decide to walk to Pauline's house and pick her up.

--------YOUR POV-----

I washed the dishes and left, the house when I got out Sehun was there waiting for me, I blushed, "Sehun, what are you doing here?" he looked at me and said, "Surprise, I'm walking to school with you!!" Oh how I love his ageyo, I said in my head, I smiled and said, "Ok, cool, Lets go!" We walked all the way to school, talking about bubble tea, when we finally reached school, all the girls squealed and ran to Sehun, (I guess I didn't tell you guys, Sehun is in EXO, the popular guys in the school, and yet he decides to be my bestfriend.) I rolled my eyes and walked to my locker, I put some things in my locker, I then closed my locker, my best friend skipped to me and said, "Were you with Sehun again?" I looked and nodded. She smiled and we both walked to class, "Soo, DO you like Sehun?" my best friend asked me, 'I guess, I do, but he is popular and I'm a nerd, we weren't made for each other." I replied. She put her hand on my shoulder, "Have a little faith, maybe someday you guys can be together." I smiled and hugged her, "Thanks."

We kept walking towards class, but when I turned the corner, *BUMP*

----------Sehun's POV-------------

I finally escaped the fan girls, I looked around looking for Pauline, I went upstairs and she was on the ground, I got closer to her but there was a guy in front of her, I stopped.......

--------YOUR POV------------

OW!!! I looked up and some a guy in front of me, "Are you okay?" he looked at me and said, "Ummm..............Yea." he picked up his stuff and I helped him, we both got up. He looked at me and blushed, I just stood there. MY friend came up to me, "Pauline, are you okay?" "Yea." I said. "I'm really sorry about bumping into you." I looked at the boy, "Nah, its okay." he bowed and left, I laughed and said, "hahaha!He's so cute!" 

-----Sehun's POV-----

She said he was CUTE?!?!, Pauline saw me ands he walked towards me, she waved at me, "Sehun, Hi!" Gosh I love her smile and her lovely eyes. "Hi" I said. She raised her eyebrows, "Whats wrong?" I looked at her and I blushed, "The guy you bumped into you said he was........c-c-cute, do ever say that to anyone." 

-----Your POV-----

OMG!! he is blushing, he's jealous!! OMO!! how cute!! I looked at him, "Sehun.......are you..........Jealous?" he shot his eyes open and turned, "N-N-NO! What are you talking about?!" I chuckled and messed up his hair, "AWW, Sehun is jelly!" he looked at me and pout his lips out, I laughed at his cuteness, but right there, I really wanted to fangirl.


The bell rang for lunch, I went to my friend's classroom, and waited for her. She finally came out, "Let's go." I nodded. We always eat at the roof of the school, WE took out our lunch and ate. We talked about what were gonna do over the summer because we have two more days until summer vacation. Soon the bell rang and we packed up our lunch and went to class, I then realized that I haven't seen Sehun all day only when he was jealous. :)

The school finally ended and I went to go look for Sehun. I looked every where, when I passed by the gym, the gym door was open, and I turned my head and looked at he gym door, but I then ignored it, I decide to go checked the library, nope wasn't there, I turned and a cute little girl was looking at me, I got closer to her and said, "Hi, what are you doing here?" I said, in the softest voice i can say, she then answered, "Unni. this for you!" She handed me a letter, follow her!! I looked at her, "Are gonna take Unni somewhere?" She looked at me and she said, "YESH!" I picked her up and she brought me to the gym.

I put her down and she ran away, "W-W-Wait!!" All the lights turned on and I jumped and right in front of me there was...................SEHUN!! with balloons and roses in his hands, I put my hand over my mouth and Sehun walked closer to me and said, "Pauline, I still remember when you saved me in kindergarten, that was when I fell for you, then during middle school we began to part away, but when I forgot about you, you wouldn't let that happen, I know now that no matter what you are the one for me." I started to cry a river, my tears wouldn't stop coming, I ran to him, and kissed him on his lips, and i backed away and whispered, "I Love you too, my jealous boyfriend." He smirked at me and we continued kissing.



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