24. Imagine Kris

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Today was my first day of college i'm going abroad to Korea , I wasn't gonna go at first, but I changed my mind, today was finally the day, I was so happy, but sad because I have to leave my parents. I lived in Canada, my parents drove me to the airport and bid our goodbye hugs and kisses. Then, I left. Now I was in the plane sitting next to a window, I love to sit by the window, then I felt a puff of air, I turned and hit my head with the person sitting next to me. { OUCH!! } I looked at the guys, he had bushy eyebrows, small, thin lips, and blonde hair, { GOSH! he looks so cute!!! } "I'm so sorry, it just that you scared me." I said, he looked at me and he smiled, "It's alright."

My heart skipped, I faced forward and I looked at what he was doing, he was looking at his passport, his name was, "Kris Wu Yifan" I saw a brochure it said, "Abroad to Korea." I smiled and said, "I'm going to study abroad too." He looked at me, "What really?" I nodded, he then added, "You look to young to study abroad." I laughed, "I'm 19." His open wide, bigger than last time, "JINJJA!!" I laughed, { He is soo cute!!! } I nodded and the plane took off. I got scared a little and grabbed his hands, I shut my eyes tightly, I then felt his arms wrap around me and I was snuggled into his chest, "Shhh~ its okay." I felt safe and sound. He then asked

The plane then landed and we got off, there was a lot of girls surrounding him yelling his name, I left him alone. I walked out the door, but then someone grabbed my wrist, I turned it was Kris, "Can you come with me real quick." I nodded and he took me and my luggage into the a black van, I got in, he then got in from the other side, I sat down, and look through the van, it was speck and clean. The van then drove away, he looked at me, "Do you live on or off campus?" I answered back, "Off, why?", he blushed, "I'm gonna take you home." I blushed and we stayed quiet, "Where do you live?" he said. I turned, "On the eastern side." I said and he nodded.

We were now on the eastern side, I saw the apartment that I rented. I told them to stop and I opened the door, and got out of the car. Kris got out and handed me my suitcase, I thanked him and left. I felt a hand grab my wrist, Kris pulled my in for a hug, { WHAT IS HE DOING?!?! } I felt a kiss on my forehead, my eyes open wide and I blushed. He let go and left , he then turned back and yelled, "I love you!!". He left me there standing like a statue. I smiled and went inside the house.

----------------------Next Day-----------------------------------------------------

I got up and went to go visit the school, I was suppose to start until next week, but I decided to check out the school. { OMG! } the school was huge and so wide. I turned and saw Kris, he was walking with another girl, she took him to the back of the school. I got curious and followed them both. There he was with the girl, and guess what...............Kris kissed her. I dropped my folder and they both stop and look at me. I felt a tear come down my hot cheeks, then I said, "I guess saying you love me, what a joke." I scoffed, then ran away.

 ------------------------------Kris's POV-------------------------------------

{ What have I done?!?! } I ran after her and she was after way across campus, this girl can run fast, I ran after her. *pant* *pant* I finally caught up to her, I grabbed her wrist and she stopped and tried shaking my hand off, { HAHA! she is so cute! } "Let me go!" she yelled at me. I wouldn't let go, she bit me, I started bleeding but I didn't care, she looked at me. she....was.....crying......  

"Kris, let me go now! you hurt me so bad!" I just gave her a straight up, "NO" she glared at me, "YA! WU YIFAN!!!!" my heart skipped, she actually said my first name, "YA! WU YIFAN! LET ME GO!" I pulled her in and smash my lips on her lips, she tried to escape but finally gave in. I moved my lips from her and she started crying, "Wae?" I said to her, "I love you, Kris, but this kiss doesn't mean anything, you already like another girl." she said, to me. I smiled and said, "No, babe, that girl is not my girl but she got something in her eyes." I saw her looking relieved and I got her chin and now she is looking at me, her eyes sparkled as the sun hit us. I then kissed her.

I still can't believe that my girlfriend is now going to college with me.

----------------------------2 years later---------------------------------------

---------------------Your POV-------------------------

"KRIS!!!!",I yelled halfway across campus, I ran to him. I missed him so much, even though he just came back from a field trip, he ran to me and I jumped and wrapped legs around him, as he spun me around. "I missed you so much!" I said, he laughed, "I was only gone for three hours, silly." I looked at him, "THREE HOURS!! do you know how long that is?!" He smiled at me and I blushed, I then kissed him, its usually him kissing me first, but now it was my turn to make the first attempt. He blushed and I pinch his cheeks, he let me down on the ground and he walked away, I ran and jumped on his back, he was now giving me a piggyback ride, "YA!! You're so heavy!" he said to tease me. I hit his back lightly. He laughed and he walked to the car while giving me a piggyback ride, and then............................... I kissed his cheeks. :*

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