9. Imagine Chen

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For my favorite dongseng Jeanette :)

I sat there waiting, humming my favorite song, "GROWL" by EXO! I sat waiting for my boyfriend Chen (yes, the from EXO!!). I waited impatiently for what seemed like forever. I kept turning around trying to see if he was there or not. I texted him so many times, asking if he was sick or practicing. Finally the restaurant door chimed, and I turn and see Chen. I smiled but that smile quickly went away when I saw him with another girl, my eyes opened wide. I were so mad. He walked to a different table and sat her down, I realize that he was CHEATING ON ME!!!! I grabbed two glass cups filled with water, and watched up to their table. Chen was asking her what she wanted, she laughed and said anythings is fine. He nodded, and looked up from the corner of his eyes, thinking you were a waitress, he said, "Can we get two glass of water?" I answered back in a angry voice, "Yea, sure. Here is your TWO glasses of water!!" I threw water into the girl and Chen's face, he stood up and said, "YA!!!", his eyes grew wide when he saw you. I stood there puffing in and out heavily. He looked at you and said, "Jeanette, I can expla-" I slapped him, and said, "No, you have explained enough, and I hope you BOTH enjoyed your glass of water!" I stormed out but was stopped by the manager. He said, "Excuse me, miss are you going to pay for your table?" I glared at Chen and said,"I'm sorry, but you can tell my EX to pay for me!!!!" I pointed at Chen and stomped out, crying.

I walked in the rain all the way home, my phone kept ringing and ringing, I ignored it. I knew it was Chen's number, I kept on crying and crying. I finally got home and sat on my leather couch, I threw the pillow from the couch, knocking all the lights out, I got up and walked to my room, i changed into my PJs, I laid in bed, sobbing and crying, my phone rang and I looked at my phone, 20 missed calls from Chen and 1 from my mom, I deleted all 20 missed call. I clicked on the miss called from my mom. The phone kept ringing and ringing, she answered, "Hello?", my mom answered, "Hi, mom, you called?", she asked, "How are things going with Chen?" I had to lie to her because my mom was in a hospital from a heart attack, I didn't want her to have another one, since i was a only child, "Things are going great mom!!" I can feel her smile through the other end of the phone, she said, "Great, I gonna leave you alone with your boyfriend, be safe ok!" I felt a tear come down, but I acted happy, "Ok, thanks mom, bye." She hang up, I started to cry your eyes out, my phone ranged again, It was Chen this time, you answered and said. "STOP CALLING CHEN, WE ARE OFFICIALLY OVER!!!" and i hang up, and deleted his phone number. I then cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next and my day started out slow and very quiet, I kept in remembering how every morning Chen would back hug me, and how I LOVE his good morning kisses, I tried not to cry and went on continuing getting ready for a day with my friend who is coming back from New York City. I drove to the airport and saw the SM building, I just sighed and kept driving to the airport. When I got to the airport, my friend was waiting for me, I waved at her, and she saw me waving and she waved at me. I ran up to her and hug her, she got her stuff and put it in my car trunk, we drove to my favorite cafe, "CANDY HEART" I order a hot chocolate latte with latte art that says EXO, my friend order a latte with a latte art that says 2ne1, you both talked about so many thing and memory, my phone ranged, I looked at the number and it was Chen's number, I hanged up on him, my friend asked, "Why did you hang up?" "Oh, It is nothing." I answered back with a smile, but you were hurt inside. I later drop her off at her house, and went home. It was about 12 midnight when I got home, it was really dark in my house, but I knew my ways around my house, I put my coat on the coat hanger, I took off my shoes, and walk to my bedroom, and laid on my bed and closed my eyes.

I then felt two strong arms pushing down on the bed, I shot open my eyes, and try moving but I couldn't move at all, I thought someone was trying to kill me, I then felt his breathe on my neck and he said, "Missed Me??" I know this voice, and I pushed him off and ran to get out of my room trying to get out of my house, he then tackled me down, and held me tight. I studder, "Chen, what are you doing here, we are over, done!!!" He didn't answer, all I heard was a muffled cry, I didn't know what to do, so I patted his head like I used to whenever he was hurt, then he said, "I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!! JEANETTE!!! I KNOW I DID WRONG FOR LETTING YOU GO!! THAT GIRL THAT I DATED SHE CHEATED ON ME TOO NOW I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! I'M SO SORRY! JEANETTE!! I'M SO SORRY!!!!!" I started to cry too, I then held him up, he was weak from getting beat up by a gang on the way over to my house, I lived in a not so good area, I carried him to my bedroom and gave him a pair of clothes that he left behind, I filled the bathtub with water and he got in there.

30 minutes, he came out he saw you sleeping on the chair. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Chen's POV---------------------------------------------------------------

She looks so cute, I wonder how much she was hurt, I missed her so much, I can't believe i cheated on a cute, sexy, angel like her, I will never let her go. I changed, then I walked up to her, picked her up and put on the bed, I covered her up with a blanket, and said, "I choose to love you! only Jeanette!" I kissed her cheek, she smiled.

Jeanette, sorry I took so long, I hope you like it!!


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