7. Imagine Lay

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For Jeanette!!! :) I hope you like it!!!

I was waiting for Lay to get home, so we can cuddle, but every time he comes home, he is not always happy. I don't know why but, today I will find out. I made myself dinner and watch "Playful Kiss" episode 10. I kept looking at the clock, and waiting for him to come home, it was now 12:15 pm, you were so tired that you had to make yourself stay up. But in a matter of seconds, you fell asleep. You woke up and it was 2:50, and then you heard the door, and now you were wide awake and ran to the door, to open it. But before you can reach the door, Lay came in and look angry, was tired. You hugged him and said, "I though you were never gonna be home, it is like 3 pm,already." He pushed you away.

You look at him with confusion, and then he sat down on the couch and made a heavy sigh. You were worried, you sat next to him and put your head on his shoulder, and he got up and you moved your head and stood up with him, He started breathing heavily, and took a pillow from the couch and...................................THREW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your eyes were wide open and scared, he kept on grab all the pillows and throwing them, you didn't know what to do you just stood there, you started screaming and yelling, you fast walked up to him and back hugged him, "STOP LAY!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!" He tried to escape you, but you held him tight, and finally he got out. You backed up and you were scared and worried.

He looked at you and turned, you put your hands and his shoulder and he yelled, "DON"T TOUCH ME!!!" you jumped and said in a soft voice, "Lay, honey, whats wrong?" He shrugged and walked away, you followed him and he turn around, "WHY CAN"T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" You yelled back, "WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS???" he answered back, "YOU WON"T UNDERSTAND, YOU'RE ALWAYS HOME!!!" you glared at him, "I STAY UP EVERYDAY TO SEE YOU!! I DON"T CARE HOW LATE YOU COME HOME I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU!!" , he yelled back, "THEN COME VISIT ME AT PRACTICE!!", you answered back, "I WOULD IF I CAN BUT I YOU HAVE TO,BUT MANY FANS THERE YOU WANT THEM TO KNOW?!?!?!" he yelled back, "THEN BREAK UP WITH ME!!" you looked at him and your eyes started to tear up and you felt tears coming down your silk cheeks and he looked at you and stutter his words, "I-I-I-I didn't m-m-mean to say that......", you still couldn't believe what he said, "what did you just say to me, Lay?" he backed up and turn, you came up to him and turned him around, "LAY, WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!?!" he looked at you and said in a soft voice he said, "Well it is true, if you don't want let people (FANS) know about us."

You were taking steps back and walked to the room, Lay and you shared and you took out a suitcase and packed up everything that you had, you walked out and Lay looked at you and you said, "you want to break up, here!" you gave him the ring he proposed to you with, and then you said, "The reason why I didn't want anyone else to know that we are dating was because I didn't want others to hate you." "Now, I guess this it, Lay, have fun with your idol life.........." you added, and left.

----------Two weeks Later----------

Everyday you would think about Lay, but every time you thought about him, you just remember the fight Lay and you had, and every time you would, you end up crying, you didn't go to work, your manager understand and excused you. You decide to go out for a walk, because for two weeks you stayed home. You put on your jacket and gray uggs, you walked out, to the park. You put your earphones on and listen to "BABY" EXO M version, you sat on the bench and then looked at the sky and was about to cry, when you felt a little pat on your thighs, and looked down. It was a little boy, you smile at him and you ask him, "Hi! are you lost?" he gave you a letter, and left, you read it it said, "LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT!!!!" you put on a confuse face, and look to your right. Your eyes open widen and saw a huge banner that said, "I"M SORRY, JEANETTE, PLEASE LOVE ME!!! AND ONLY ME!!!" you stood up and looked below the banner and saw Lay holding cute balloons and was walking towards you.

You felt tears of happiness and joy come down your cheeks and you saw him getting closer and closer. So you ran to him, and he opens has arms and let go of the balloons, and hug you. He held you tight and said, "I'm never letting you go again." You also held him tight and sob into his chest, he kissed your forehead, and you pulled back and kiss his lips. You pulled back and he blushed and smiled, he wiped your tears away, and you said, "I thought I would never see you again." He smiled and slipped the ring back on your finger and said, "Jeanette, you are not allow to take this ring off again!!!, because you are MINE!" You blushed. He gave you a rose. He gave you a kiss and decide to take you home, BACK to where you both lived together.

Dear Jeanette,

I hope you liked it, if you need any more request, just message me.

Love, Nixie


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