57. Imagine Luhan

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For Abby


---Luhan's POV---

Today was a free day for EXO, so we all decided to got to the beach house we owned at the beach.


"I KNOW RIGHT!!" Kris said.

We all packed up and walked to the vans and put our things in there and I sat in the back, I put on my earphones and blasted my music, then once everybody got in. We took off to the beach.


We FINALLY got to our beach house, I got out and took out my things in the back of the

truck of the car. I walked into the beach house. I went to my room and set my things down.


I turned and Tao was standing by the door, "What?" "We're all going swimming, wanna come?" "Sure, let me change~" "Ok, ge." and with that Tao skipped away. I changed into my swimming trunks and wore tank top, grabbed my towel and walked out. "LUHAN HYUNG! HURRY UP!!" I looked up and Baekhyun was waving his hand to go over there,

"ARRASSO!!" I ran over there and we all walked over to the beach.

---Your POV---

"Abby and Gale, Today is your day as the lifeguard."

We both turned, "ARRASSO!!"

I changed into a red swim suit, I don't like how it was red but it stuck out. After I changed, I went outside and they're were so many people. Gale came after me, "Let's get to work!" He said. I nodded and we both walked out. "You take in east wing and I'll take the west." Gale asked me, I nodded and ran to the east wing. I climbed onto the life guard chair, and I just sat there like always. Sometimes I wanna quit this job, but I can't because my uncle runs this beach and I have to help him out. *sigh* I don't even get to save people, I NEVER had.

But then again, I like the beach.

I was looking at the people having fun, I was really bored. I saw this light skinned boy who was shirtless, he was wearing a little blue swimming trucks and he was with eleven other guy, only he attracted me. I was watching his every move, he was laughing, he was running, jumping and chasing the other guys. He seems cute~ My phone rang and I picked up.


"Abby, I'm gonna go back to the tent, it's boring here."

"Hahah~ ok Gale. I'll meet you there~"

"Okie~ bestie!"

I giggled and hanged up. I climbed back down and waled back towards the tent.


I turned and ran towards the screaming.


I ran to the guy, "WHAT'S WRONG!!!"


I looked up and the guy I was looking at was drown in the deepest part of the beach. I ran into the water and dive into the deep part. What the bad thing about the beach, is that there is an GIANT hole at the bottom of the ocean and nobody is suppose to go there. I swam towards him, soon I couldn't see him. I dived into the water, I saw him sink into the giant hole. I swam deeper and deeper. I reached my hand out but I couldn't reach him, I tried reaching again. SHIT! COME ON!

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