21. Imagine D.O

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FOR Ana (Surprise Request)

I saw Kyungsoo, eating lunch alone like always, I really wanted to talk to him, but whenever I do, he just kept quiet, but today I will talk to him! I guarantee it! *ring* the bell rings, and I had to back to class, I went to the office to return a paper work, when I came back, I heard people yelling and groaning, I ran to check it, OMG! it was Kyungsoo getting beat up. I was so scared, I just stood there, I can hear them talking:

Boy 1: Still won't do our homework!!

Boy 2: Stupid! Nerd!


Boy 1: Let's get him! *Punch Kyungsoo*

Boy 2: You f*ckin nerd! *Kick Kyungsoo*

*Kyungsoo groan*

{ I just couldn't stay here, Kyungsoo can die } my legs moved by itself and so did my mouth, "YA!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Both boys look at me and walked towards me, { OMG! what am I doing?!?! } They both came closer, but then one reach his hand out and I kicked him in the balls, he fell groan, the other guy grabbed me and then I grabbed his arm and I grabbed his arms, twisted it and pulled it behind his back and kicked him down, the evilness in me came out, I glared down at them, "If you ever mess with him again, I will not forgive you! ARRASO!" They both got up and ran, I turned and ran towards him, "Kyungsoo, you okay?" He looked up, his face was a bruised up and he was bleeding, his shirt was ripped and he had scratch marks on his back, I picked him up and took him to the nurse room.

When I got there, the nurse was gone, so I looked for the first-aid kit, "You don't have to do this." I turned around and looked at him, { That is the first time he actually talked to me, ahahah~ he is so cute } I smiled at him, "Nah, It's okay." He looked away, I think he was blushing! "Take off your shirt.", I said and he looked at me with the big eyes he has, "W-W-What?" he said, I looked at him, "Take off, your shirt, so I can disinfect your scratches." He took off his shirt, and turned around so he wouldn't face me, I put the alcohol on the cotton ball and patted it on his scratches, he kept on twitching , I wanted to laugh, but I had it in. He then turned around after I was done, He put his shirt back on, he turned around so I can disinfect his face. I came close to his face, feeling his breath in my face, I was so nervous and shaking, but then I finished. I put a bandage on his face, I got up, "WEll, no more fights for you, ok?" I grabbed my things and left. I was halfway across the hallway when, I heard footsteps and turned it was Kyungsoo. I smiled and he walked side by side with me. The school day was over, Kyungsoo decide to walk me home and we talked and talked, he was so fun to talk too. We finally got to my house and we bid our goodbyes, but before he left, I ran to him and hugged him, "From now on, I will always be there for you and you have to promise me that we will hang out forever!" I smiled and ran back. I went into the house and sighed.

--------------------Kyungsoo's POV----------------------

{ S-S-She hugged m-me. } I smiled and walked home, when I got home, I took a shower and just kept remembering, when Ana hugged me, that made me sigh, I loved since middle school, but now I think I love her even more, then I remembered, "From now on, I will always be there for you and you have to promise me that we will hang out forever!" I blushed and went to sleep.

----------------Next Day-----------------

I woke up and got ready for school, I ate my breakfast and left to go pick up Ana, I stayed out of her house and waited for her. She finally came out of her house and she had her uniform on and she had her hair curled, { Gosh! She looked so pretty! } I waved at her and she smiled at me, we then walked a the way to school, together!

-------------------Your POV---------------

I was so happy that I'm walking with Kyungsoo, I realized that I loved him, he is so cute, I just want to squeeze his cheeks, when we got school, people thought we were a couple, we would just blush and say no. Finally, lunch came and we sat together and ate, we laughed together and talked, "I can't believe that Kai did that, *laugh* he is so stupid!!!" I said, Kyungsoo looked at me and laughed too, { Gosh, he looked so cute and he so bubbly. } I smiled and he reached in and wiped my lips, "You have jelly on the corner of your lips." he said. I blushed, "Thanks." After lunch, I went to class, I then felt someone pull me...................

-----------------Kyungsoo's POV------------------

After school, I went to look for Ana, but I couldn't find her, I looked everywhere and then I saw something on the ground, it was Ana's backpack, there was a note next to it, "If you want her back, come to the gym, or she DIES." I ran to the gym, { No, I can't lose Ana!! } I got to the gym and I saw Ana, tied up and was crying, I took off the tape on her mouth, "You shouldn't have come it was a trap!!" she said while crying. I felt someone hit me and dragged me across the gym and beat me, I saw Ana, yelling, "NOO! STOP!! PLEASE!!!" I was getting beat up by the guys a few days back.

------------------Your POV-----------------------------

I saw Kyungsoo getting beat up, and I couldn't do anything and I was tiring to get out of the tape around my arm and legs, "NOO!! STOP!! PLEASE!!!" they just kept on beating him up, I then knew I was gonna losing him, If I don't do anything, I cried and cried, "STOP PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE D.O ALONE!!!"


I looked and it was Kyungsoo friends, they came and untied me and I ran to Kyungsoo, while the rest were beating up those two guys and then the other two guys crew came and EXO (that was the group of Kyungsoo and his friends) and the other guys, they all started fighting. I ran up to Kyungsoo, I grabbed him and held him in my arms, "K-Kyungsoo, please don't go, I-I-I need you! Please stay with me, I love you please." He opened his eyes and moved his hands up to my cheeks stroking them, and wiping my tears away. "I l-love you too..........." he said. "NOO!! NOO!! D.O!! NOO!"

-------------------4 Hours Later and Kyungsoo's POV-----------------------

I woke up in the hospital and saw Ana's sleeping on a chair next to me, I can tell she was crying, and she was cold, I got up and off the hospital bed, I put my coat around her, but then she woke up, she looked at me with worried eyes, "W-W-Why are you standing, you should be sleeping?" I bent down and kissed her, I know her eyes were wide open, but she give in and smiled. I created a smile too, our kissed lasted for about a minute, and then I went to lay down and she crawled in with me and we cuddled until morning. I Love Ana with all my heart!

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