10. Imagine Tao

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FOR JEANETTE!!!! :) (:

I was sitting down, eating the lunch I made, it was very good. I walked over to the sink and watched my plate, and went to the couch and went to go watch Tao's interview, (Tao was my best friend since middle school, now he is my one true love) I was smiling, when I saw him on the channel. He was sitting down, smiling and looking at the camera, I felt like he was looking at me. The host was finally asking him question, he asked about EXO's world tour, he answered back, they kept asking how their next album, is going. The out of no where, the host asked, "About your love life, how is it going, do you have a girlfriend, Tao?" He smirked and said, "Yes, I do." I blushed, the host asked, "What is her personality like?", Tao answered back, "She loves to laugh a lot, and she cares about me!" I blushed even harder, then the host asked, "How does she look like?" he looked at the camera and said, "She is ugly and fat, I think she needs to lose weight, and I was thinking about breaking up with her, but, she loves me and I guess I love her too." I was shocked at what he said, and was very sad, I started to cry, and I decide to starve myself everyday.

--------------------Two Weeks Later---------------------------

I sat in my room, I locked myself in my room, I became really sick and I didn't eat, I drank water but, not everyday. Tao would often come to see me but, not all the time, he called me yesterday asking "Why is your face was so pale when I came to visit?" , I answered, "It's nothing, Tao." But after the conversation, I started to cry because he didn't actually love me.

I decide to got o my room and suddenly I collapse......

---------------------------------------Tao's POV-----------------------

I was so worried about Jeanette, so I decide to visit her, I drove to her house and It was quiet, she usually have music blasting out of her window. I decide to go up to her apartment, I put my copy of her apartment key in the door hole, when I opened the door, I fund laying on the ground. My eyes wide open, I ran to her, "JEANETTE!! BABE!! HANG IN THERE!!!" I picked her up and put her in my car and drove to the hospital.

---------------------------------------Your POV------------------------------

I opened my eyes, and saw Tao sitting on a chair sleeping next to me, I shot my eyes open and got up, he woke up, he stumble to me and asked, "Are you okay?!" he said in a worried voice, I blushed, and answered quietly, "yea......." he grabbed and rubbed his hands on and said, "Why?", I turned and looked at him, he looked at me, "Why were you starving yourself?" I turned away and looked down, he looked down too, "Because I thought I needed too." He looked at me with confusion, "What?" I answered, "You said so yourself, you said on the show, I was ugly and that I needed to lose weight........." I stopped and broke into tears, he got up and hugged me, and he replied, "I didn't mean it..." I stopped crying for a second, he continued, "I only said that to protect you from other guys, if they found out that you were the most beautiful girl ever, I thought I lose you Jeanette, that's why I said that, Please forgive me for hurting you, Jeanette, Wo ai ni!!" I hugged him and I gave him a kiss, he then cupped my face and now we were passionately kissing, we heard the door opened and we stopped.

A doctor walk in and said, "Oh, Mrs. Jeanette, you are awake that is great, and Mr. Tao, I thought you left, well anyways I have good news for you both, Mr. Tao, can you sit?" Tao sat down and was very curious, the doctor then said, "Well, I don't know how to explain this, well actually I do!' Tao and I looked at each other with confusion, then we looked at the doctor, he then continued, "Mrs. Jeanette, you are now two week..........PREGNANT! CONGRATULATION!!" Tao and I looked at each and looked at the doctor and said, "WHAT!" He explained to us, that while they were examining me, they checked my stomach and I had a baby in there, he then told us that it is going to be a boy, and then he left. I looked and Tao, and Tao was smiling, he walked up to me and sat on the bed and then he said, "Well, well, Mrs. Huang Zi, what should we name OUR baby boy?" I laughed at him and blushed, he got my chin and turned my face, he kissed me and then he kissed me again, we finally fell into a passionate kiss. I was glad that my baby was with Tao and not someone else.

WAHAH~ Mianhae, for taking so long, but I hope you like it!!!!!!


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