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season 2 episode 4

season 2 episode 4

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Lindsey Scott sat outside of the LAPD Captains office. She had been to the LA Police department many times for cases but this time it's different. She wasn't there for a case, she was there for a job.

Lindsey Scott use to work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit back in Quantico, Virginia. She had been apart of the BAUs top team for years. But then her mother fell ill and she had to make a tough choice. She decided that she needed to be with her mom, she needed to be with her family. So with the help of Hotch and Penelope she was able to transfer to the LAPD.

Lindsey sat outside the door, playing with her rings, as she waited for Captain Maynard to call her in. She heard footsteps in front of her and she looked up to see a woman with short dark hair walking towards the Captain's office. The woman smiled at Lindsey who gave her a small smile back.

Only a few minutes later, the door to the Captains office opened and out walked Captain Maynard, "Lindsey Scott." Lindsey stood up and faced the Captain. "Come on in."

Lindsey followed the Captain into her office and took a seat. The woman from before was in the seat next to her. "Think about the offer Athena, but for now I want you to meet your new Partner. This is Lindsey Scott. Scott, this is Sergeant Athena Grant."

Lindsey held her hand out, "It's nice to meet you." She said as Athena shook her hand. "You too."

"Scott is a transfer from Quantico. She's one of their best." Captain Maynard said and Lindsey blushed at her words.

"Quantico? That's a ways away." Athena commented. "Yeah, I have some family stuff going on here so I figured it would be best for me to transfer." Athena nodded.

"Athena, think about the offer. And Scott, good luck." Both women stood up and thanked the Captain before making their way out. Lindsey could tell just by the way Athena carried herself that she was a leader. She meant business.

As they got in the cruiser Lindsey knew that this wasn't gonna be easy. A new team, a new job. It was gonna take some getting use to.

Lindsey's first day wasn't anything crazy. They just had a couple house calls and a street fight that they had to break up. Once Lindsey was off duty she grabbed herself some food and then made her way to her condo. Luckily for her, she had found a nice little place not far from her parents home. She had only moved in a couple days ago and had already gotten most of her unpacking done.

She felt her phone ring and she looked to see Penelope calling. "Hey Penny!"

"Linds, it's so good to hear your voice!"

"Tough day?" Lindsey asks as she leans on her counter.

"Child abduction."

Lindsey sighed, "Oh Penny..."

"The kids ok, we found her in time."

"That's good. And the unsub?"

"We got him too. But we also found remains of other children." Penelope's voice shook and Lindsey felt her heart drop. "Those poor kids. Child cases aren't easy."

"They never are. But how about your day? How was your first day?"

Lindsey smiled at how excited Penelope was, "Honestly it was pretty chill. No where near as crazy as yours."

just a little prologue before we get into the story!

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