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season 5


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this whole chapter is going to be intense
this chapter does involve types of torture
i will be putting ~ before and after the parts that are a bit more brutal
if you don't feel comfortable reading then please just skip this chapter

Lindsey had been stuck in a daze. Her eyes were locked onto the blank wall in front of her, her mind moved a mile a minute. Jonah's words played in her head over and over again. What did he mean she killed his brother? She never got the chance to ask because he stormed out of the room after he told her.

Her mind then shifted to her parents. She has put them through so much. So much worry and fear. She couldn't even imagine how they were feeling now.

She's sure Athena and her friends felt the same. She pictured their worried faces when they found out she was missing.

She knew her team was here, Jonah had briefly mentioned it to her when he was taunting her. She knows they're worried about her. She had survived the first time she was tortured but there was no guarantee she would survive this time. But she knew her team, her family, wasn't gonna give up on her.

She knew Buck wasn't gonna give up on her. Out of all her friends, all her loved ones, he was the one she wanted the most right now. Just being in his presence made her feel safe and she longed to be with him now. She had so much she still wanted to tell him. She wanted to run her hand through his hair, get lost in his ocean blue eyes, and kiss his lips like she use too.

She wanted to tell him that she loved him. Tell him that through everything she never stopped loving him. She couldn't. There was no way to unlove him, and she didn't want to.

She could just barely feel the tears streaming down her face. She didn't even attempt to wipe them away, she physically couldn't. So she just let them fall.

She was taken out of her thoughts when she felt a hand grab her arm, "All right, time for some fun!" Jonah said with a smirk that made Lindsey's stomachs churn. He untied her legs first. As she watched him she noticed he had changed his outfit. He was now wearing all black. He stood back up to untie her hands.

Lindsey waited, not wanting to move too early. This was her chance, she couldn't mess it up. Once her second hand was freed, Jonah grabbed both of Lindsey's hands and pulled her up. Once she was on her feet, she gave herself a moment to get her balance.

"Now, why don't we-" Jonah was cut off when Lindsey kneed him in the stomach. He hunched over in pain and Lindsey used that to push him down to the ground. She sent a kick to his face before taking off to the door that she had seen when she first woke up.

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