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season 2 episode 10

season 2 episode 10

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Merry Ex-Mas

It was officially Christmas time. Lindsey's favorite time of year. She loved all the lights, the decorations, the music but most of all, spending time with the people you love. She was excited to spend it with her parents this year and she could tell they were excited too. Her mom couldn't stop talking about it. She had already planned out the whole morning.

Lindsey wasn't complaining. This was gonna be her first Christmas with her parents in 7 years. It was crazy that it had been that long. Of course she had visited them plenty of times, but it was always before or after Christmas. Most of Lindsey's Christmases were spent either with her team at home or with her team at work. She had worked quite a few Christmases.

As for her mom, her chemo seemed to be going well. Lindsey was just happy that her mother was doing okay. Her mom seemed happy, tired and a little nauseous but happy. She honestly seemed more like herself and Lindsey took that as a good sign.

So even though she wasn't gonna get her BAU Christmas, she gets to have a family Christmas. Like when she was young.

"So you mentioned him moving in and he freaked out about it?" Lindsey asked. Her and Athena were on their lunch break and Athena was telling her about her night with Bobby.

"I wouldn't say freaked out, more like shut down. You don't think I messed things up, do you?" Athena asked. Lindsey immediately shook her head. She swallowed her bite of food before saying, "No, no not at all. I think you just surprised him. Besides, it's a big step and you have to take into consideration how your kids would feel, which he probably thought about as well."

"You sure are wise for your young age kid." Lindsey nudged Athena, "Hey, i'm not a kid! But I appreciate that you think i'm young."

When Lindsey connected the FaceTime call she was met with her old team in Christmas gear. "Merry Christmas!" They all yelled. She laughed as she watched them wave at her. "You guys do know that there's only a couple hour time difference, not a couple day difference. It's not Christmas yet."

"We know but we figured that it would be best to celebrate early since we will all be busy on Christmas." Penelope explained. Lindsey looked at the screen when something caught her eye, "Hotch? Are you wearing a Santa hat?"

"Not another word." He responded and everyone laughed.

"We miss you!" Emily said. "Oh I miss you guys too! Next time you have a case in LA you have to visit." Lindsey told them. "So tell us about your new job." Rossi said and Emily added, "We want to hear everything."

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