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season 4 episode 6

season 4 episode 6

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Lindsey rolled her eyes as she looked up at the screaming man. A man, Izzy Chainz, duck taped himself to a billboard and has been yelling at people to buy his album.

Her and Athena walked over to Bobby. Station 118 was already there on scene. Hen and Chimney were busy with a car crash, Buck was up on the ladder trying to convince Izzy to come down and Eddie...well Lindsey didn't know where he was.

"Checked out his story. Looks like he's telling the truth. He paid for the spot." Athena told Bobby. "So this is all legal? He could have killed himself or a bystander."

Lindsey nodded, "And we will have a word with him as soon as he climbs down. Best we can do now is control traffic and hope to avoid more accidents." They watched as the other firefighters started to inflate the air cushion, in case Izzy falls. "Damn probie jinxed us. He used the Q-word."

Both Lindsey and Athena turned to look at Bobby. "Jinxed? You don't believe in that stuff." Athena said and Bobby agreed, "No. But they do. And when they hear the Q-word, they get squirrely, then they make mistakes. They forget to latch the front of the engine, or they accidentally trigger the fire suppression system. Today is going to be a big mess."

"Well I for one believe in jinxes." Lindsey commented and Athena turned to her in surprise. "Really? You do?"

"Oh yeah, I believe in all of that stuff. Before leaving for a case, Hotch would always say 'Wheels Up.' Well one time he didn't and the day went to shit. First the jet wouldn't start, then Penelope's computer over heated, then we ended up at the wrong police station, and it just kept going and going. After that Hotch always made sure to say it." She said, thinking back to that awful day. Looking back, it was pretty funny but in the moment it was really frustrating.

Athena spotted something on the ground. Bending down, she grabbed a penny. Holding it out towards Bobby, he asks, "What's that for?"

"Luck. Sounds like you could use some."

Izzy continued to yell, "I'm not coming down till my time is up!" Lindsey looked up at him and yelled, "And when is that?"

"8:00 a.m. Tomorrow morning!" He laughed. Buck, who had climbed back down the ladder, looked over at Lindsey and the two shook their heads.

The sound of tape pealing caught everyone's attention and they looked up at Izzy to see him slowly leaning forward. "Heads up!" Buck yelled as he went to run back up the ladder.

"He should have paid for half a day." Athena commented as they watched Izzy continue to fall forward. Tape began to snap and he eventually fell from the billboard, thankfully landing on the air cushion.

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