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season 5 episode 16

season 5 episode 16

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May Day

Lindsey's knees were curled up into her chest. She had a fluffy blanket surrounding her and a cup of coffee in her left hand. She was watching a movie when her phone rang. She looked to see it was JJ. A smile formed on her face as she grabbed her phone to answer the call, "Hey J."

"Hey Lindsey, how are you feeling?" JJs voice rang through her ear. "Better, that's for sure. Just want to get back to work. I've been going crazy sitting inside all day doing nothing."

JJ laughed, "Yeah, I bet."

"How are you guys? Will and Henry doing good?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah we're doing good. The teams doing good too. How's Buck?" Lindsey could hear a bit of teasing in her last question. She couldn't help but smile as she said, "He's good. He's been really sweet. He's practically been by my side the whole time except for when he has to work."

"That is sweet of him." JJ teased and Lindsey rolled her eyes. "What about your nightmares? Are you still getting those? If so, maybe it's time you go see someone."

Lindsey sighed, "They're getting better. Having Buck with me has been a big help. He reminds that i'm okay and that i'm safe. Some nights I get them and some I don't. If I do they aren't as bad as they use to be."

"That's good. Seems like Bucks the answer to all your problems."

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but there's just something about him that makes me feel safe." She responded. "It's because you love him."

Lindsey smiled again as she said, "Yeah...it is. It's funny you know. Everyone talks about how you fall in love with someone but falling for him wasn't really like falling. It was like walking into a house and knowing you're home."

Lindsey couldn't see it but JJ had a soft smile on her face, "He's a special one Lindsey. You need to make sure you tell him that."

"I will." Lindsey's eyes fell onto the tv and saw that it was playing the end credits of the movie. She grabbed her remote and started to flip through the channels while she continued to talk to JJ.

She stopped scrolling through when something caught her eye. "Hey J, I gotta go."

"Everything okay?"

Lindsey sighed as she watched the news broadcast. The 911 call center was up in flames. "I'm not sure," She said into her phone, "I'll call you later. Love you."

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