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season 3 episode 11

season 3 episode 11

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Seize the Day

"So let me get this straight...you rode on top of the truck and caught a man that was hanging out of a plane and then once the plane landed a woman tried to set you up with her daughter?" Lindsey asked as she looked down at Buck. His hands trailed up her thighs and onto her hips. "Yeah, pretty much."

Lindsey kept her eyes on his as her hands rested on his neck. Raising her eyebrow she asked, "And what exactly did you tell this woman?" In all honesty, Lindsey didn't care. She trusted Buck, but she also liked to mess with him. "I told her that I have an amazing, gorgeous girlfriend who I love very much and that I will not be going out with her daughter."

Smiling at the fact that he called her gorgeous she said, "Good answer," before leaning down to kiss him. His hands trailed back down her thighs which were straddling his waist. Pulling away, she looked at her phone, "We better get going." She tried to get up but Buck protested and pulled her back down onto him. "Buck, if we don't leave now we'll be late for your appointment." He groaned in response, giving her one last kiss before releasing her from his grip.

Lindsey sat on the chair across from Buck as Doctor Franklin read through Bucks chart. "Bone has fused nicely where the screws were, and there's minimal scar tissue."

"I feel good Doc. I mean, I was uh...I was standing on top of a moving fire truck the other day, not even a twitch." Buck said and Doctor Franklin shook his head. "I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that part. I'm not interested in operating on your other leg."

"And what about the clots?" Lindsey asked, looking over at Buck who's face fell at the mention. "Scans are clear. No signs of clots since we took you off the blood thinners." Lindsey let out a sigh of relief and the Doctor continued, "I think those screws were the source of your problem."

"Uh, so that's it? They're gone and I don't need to see you anymore?"

"As long as you don't get crushed by another fire truck." Franklin said and an offended look came across Bucks face, "Whoa, come on. Too soon, Doc."

"Mr. Buckley, it is my pleasure to give you a clean bill of health. So go get dressed and get out of here." Standing up, Buck thanked the man. "Thank you, for everything. No offense but I hope I never see you again."

"Hey you never know." Franklin teased and Buck just shook his head. Lindsey followed Buck out, "You go change and I'll meet you out in the lobby."

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