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season 4 episode 10

season 4 episode 10

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Lindsey stepped out of the police car. It was dark but between the lights of the police car and the firetrucks, the area was well lit. Athena and her walked towards the 118 who were already putting a man onto a backboard.

"Officers? I'd like you to arrest this man." The husband said, pointing down at his son. The wife gave her husband a shocked look.

"You want them to arrest your son?" Hen asked. Athena looked at the scene confused, "Their related?" The husband continued, "We have a restraining order against him."

"You have a restraining order against your own son?" Lindsey asked in shock. "He wouldn't leave! He was taking us for everything we got. I had to do something. Are you gonna arrest him?"

"You might want to check this out first," Bobby said as he shone his light at the house, "Looks like the bolts have been snapped, real clean breaks. That's why the kid fell down. Any idea how that happened?"

"Nope, no idea."

The wife turned to her husband, "Well you were up there a few days ago repairing it." Lindsey and Athena walked over to the man, "What kind of repairs?" Athena asked suspiciously.

"Just, uh, some basic stuff."

"It was fine the last time I broke in." The son called from the gurney. The man pointed at his son, "See? That's what I'm talking about. He's been breaking in for weeks. He needed to be taught a lesson."

Lindsey raised her brow, "Are you saying that you knew your son was using the trellis, and you cut it intentionally to cause bodily harm?" The wife turned to her husband, "To your own flesh and blood!"

"You've coddled him too long, Trish. You need to decide whose side you're on."

Lindsey got the husband in handcuffs and led him to the car. "Trish, you're making a mistake!" He called to his wife. "You know what? Find a new place to live, Harv. I'm changing the locks." After hearing the wife's words Lindsey shoved the man into the car and closed the door.

"Interesting parenting techniques." Bobby said, walking over to them. "Yeah. That kid is never growing up." Athena said with a laugh. Waving goodbye to Bobby, the two women hopped in the car and drove off.

Lindsey and Athena were working another night shift. They were on the scene with the 118. A young woman had been found by the dumpsters outside of a restaurant. She was in ruff shape but she was alive. Chimney and Hen were working on her. She was unconscious and her oxygen levels were dropping. Lindsey walked over to take a look at the woman.

Her clothes were torn apart on her body. She had blood covering her along with multiple cuts and bruises. "We got to get her into the ambulance, her pulse is getting weaker by the minute." Chim said to the people around him. "Multiple cuts and bruises. Possibly a broken rib. Most likely drugged by whoever did this. There's also some kind of burn on the right side of her chest." Hen added.

Lindsey looked at the burn, "It's an electrical burn." Everyone's heads shot over to her, except Hen and Chimney who were still working on the woman. "Whatever this person was doing, they wanted to prolong the torture so they shocked her back awake." She explained.

"How do you know that?" Eddie asked and Lindsey shrugged, her eyes falling back on the woman. "I've seen it before." Her hand subconsciously moved towards her right shoulder. When she realized what she did she quickly moved her hand away. Her head turned back to the group and her eyes met Bucks. She couldn't make out his expression. He was just staring at her, as if he were trying to figure her out. She averted her eyes again, taking a deep breath.

They loaded the woman into the ambulance. Lindsey watched as it took off. Her eyes caught something, or someone, standing across the street. Reaching for her gun, she slowly made her way over but stopped when she realized who it was.

"Lindsey, you good?" Athena asked. She looked back over at Athena for a moment, "Yeah, I'm good. I'll meet you back at the car." Athena nodded at her and walked away. Lindsey turned back towards the person who was still standing across the street.

She made her way over to them, "I'm not dreaming right?" She asked as she approached the woman. "Little L, look at you!" The woman pulled her into a hug and Lindsey squeezed her tightly. "Elle, I can't believe it's really you!" Lindsey pulled away to get another look at her. It had been 5 years since she had seen her. 5 years since Elle resigned.

When Lindsey had first joined the BAU she was their youngest recruit, being only 21. She had been nervous. It wasn't everyday you were hand selected to be apart of the BAUs top profiling team. But Gideon and Strauss had seen her potential and they knew she would be a good addition to the team.

Elle had taken Lindsey under her wig. She was like Lindsey's older sister. Being an only child Lindsey had never had that sibling like relationship, but with Elle she did. They had that special bond and Elle was the sister Lindsey always wanted. They were Elle and Little L. That's what Elle would always call her.

But then they hit a bump in a case, there was tension between the team, and Elle went out on her own. Lindsey doesn't know exactly what happened but she knows it led to Elle resigning. Elle had never properly said goodbye but she did leave Lindsey a note. That was the last she had seen or heard from her...until now.

"Officer Lindsey, huh?" Elle teased as she looked at Lindsey uniform, "No more profiling for you?" Lindsey shook her head, "I could ask the same of you. It's been 5 years Elle."

"I know."

Lindsey watched as Elle's eyes drifted over to the scene. The 118 was finishing up and were getting ready to leave. "You know something about this, don't you?" Lindsey asked her. Elle's eyes found Lindsey's, "Sort of. I've been tracking down a guy. He's been attacking women, drugging them and torturing them."

"So are you a detective?" Lindsey questioned, trying to figure out what exactly Elle was doing. "No, no. I couldn't go into any of that. I've been doing some non official work. Some stuff under the radar."

Lindsey raised her brow, "Are you sure you should be telling me this?" Lindsey gestured to her badge and Elle laughed, "Well, I know you'd never throw me under the bus. But I should probably get going, I think your partners looking for you." She gestured over to Athena who was standing by the car, her eyes scanning around.

"My numbers still the same. I want to know more about this case, especially since the LAPDs gonna be on it now." Lindsey told her and Elle nodded. Lindsey pulled her into another hug, "Oh I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Little L." They said their goodbyes and Lindsey made her way back to Athena, but her mind was still on Elle. What has that woman gotten herself into?

elle has made an appearance

i loved elle, so i thought i'd tie her into my story

we will get to see some more of her next chapter!

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