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season 4 episode 2

season 4 episode 2

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Alone Together

A shooting pain shot through Lindsey's head. Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was a wall. A grey wall with a crooked painting hanging on it. Her eyes scanned the room, trying to figure out where she was. She thought back to everything that happened. The dam broke, evacuation, lady, and then everything went dark.

Did she pass out?

No, something had hit her.

Her eyes moved to the kitchen and she saw the woman opening the fridge. Lindsey went to speak but she couldn't move her lips. There was something holding them together. She went to bring her hand to her mouth but she realized she couldn't move her arms either.

Twisting her head as much as she could, she could make out the duct tape that held her arms together, behind her back. Here eyes moved over to her feet and saw they were also taped together. Doing her best not to panic, she tried to pull her arms apart. She used all the strength she could but it was no use.

She went to try again but then everything began to shake. Hers eyes widened as they darted around the room. She could hear what sounded like screams, not far from her.

Things started to slide around and Lindsey was trying to figure out what was going on. She felt like she was forgetting something. The painting on the wall fell and shattered right in front of her. She heard something moving and looked to see a chair heading straight towards her. Then she remembered...


And then everything went black again.

"Lindsey?" She could heard someone say though it sounded far away. "Lindsey." She heard again but she couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. "Lindsey!" Whoever was talking was a lot closer now.

"Lindsey! Wake up!"

Her eyes shot open and she let out a gasp. A bright light shone in her face and she squinted her eyes with a groan. "Sorry." The person muttered and she looked back to see Chimney in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Lindsey went to respond but she couldn't say anything, it all came out muffled. "Right, let me get this off." Chimney pulled the duck tap off her mouth and Lindsey let out a breath. "Am I dreaming? Are you really here?" Was the first thing she asked.

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