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season 3 episode 15

season 3 episode 15

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Eddie Begins

Lindsey waited out side the home for the 118 while Athena stayed inside with the mother. Right when she saw the big red engine pull up she quickly made her way towards it. Bobby was the first one to hop out, "What do we got?"

"Missing boy. Two kids playing in an open field. Mom calls them home, only one shows up. Sounded like maybe an abduction. Roads not far away." She informed him as they made their way into the house. "Made sense. But then we're interviewing the mother, asking the usual questions and I noticed this."

Once Athena saw them enter the home she stood up to grab the photo. Handing it over to Bobby, she said "Photo came with the house."

Bobby looked at the photo, "I didn't see a windmill when we pulled up." Athena nodded, "Yeah, torn down years ago. It used to power a water pump."

Lindsey looked over at the rest of the 118 who walked into the home. They got there in time to hear Bobby say, "There's an abandoned well on the property."

Everyone spread out to look for the boy. Every once in a while someone would yell out "Hayden!" But they never got a answer.

"Hey guys, over here!" Eddie yelled. The group quickly made their way over to him. "Give me a hand!" Eddie started to move things while Chimney radioed in for Bobby. Lindsey grabbed everything she could, and pushed it aside. There was an open pipe in the ground. Eddie leaned over it and yelled "Hayden!"

After taking a look Bobby told the group, "All right, we're gonna need a visual."

Lindsey watched on the tv as they lowered down the camera. "We're at 40 feet, Cap. Only got 50 feet of cable." Chimney informed them. "Can a boy even survive a fall that far?" Athena asked. "Well, the wells narrow, so there's lots of friction to slow a fall. But if he's really down there..." Hen trailed off.

Eddie reached forward to point at the tv while Bobby said "There. Right there."

"Hey, he's alive." Buck yelled to them.

Lindsey looked at the boy, they could only make out his head and a little bit of his face. He was covered in dirt. All she could think about was how were they going to get him out. He's almost 50 feet underground.

"Look at the way he's pinned. Arms forward, chest constricted, shallow breath." Hen said. "45 feet. At that depth, oxygens an issue." Chimney added. "Cap we gotta get a line of compressed air down there ASAP."

Joy, the boys mother, ran over to them. "You found him? Is he..." Lindsey grabbed ahold of her, "He's alive. He's alive."

"Oh my baby!"

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