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season 5

Lindsey Begins🚨

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Lindsey Begins

seven years ago...

Her hands ran over her suit coat as she watched the floor numbers go up. She was only going to the 5th floor but it felt like the elevator was taking forever.

When she saw the number finally hit 5, her gaze turned to the elevator doors. As they opened she took in a shaky breath.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she pulled open the door to reveal the bullpen. She stopped for a moment as she watched people move around the room. She was unsure of what to do. All she knew was she needed to find Jason Gideon.

"Well hello, dollface. You lost?" A voice asked and she turned to see a dark man with a captivating smile. A smile so captivating that she couldn't help but smile back. "Uh, sort of. I'm looking for Jason Gideon. Do you know where I could find him?"

The man smiled even bigger and pointed over to one of the doors, "That's his office. He should be in there." She looked over at the door and then back at the man. "Thank you...uh."

"Derek Morgan, but everyone calls me Boss."

"Uh, no one calls you that." Another voice said and she looked over to see a brunette haired woman and a younger man with glasses walking towards them. "Don't listen to him. He's got a big ego, which makes sense for why he's got such a big head." The woman said to her.

"Actually, Derek's head is normal size for someone with his body type. His head may even be considered small, to some." The man with glasses added.

"Thanks pretty boy."

"I'm Elle Greenaway and this is Doctor Spencer Reid." Elle said and Spencer blushed, "Just Spencer, no need to call me Doctor."

"Got it. Just Spencer." She smiled at the man.

"Guys, we got a case." A blonde woman said as she passed the group. "Duty calls. Hopefully i'll see you again." Derek said with a smirk which caused Elle to roll her eyes and smack him on the arm. She watched as the three walked away before making her way towards Jason Gideons door.

Right as she was about to knock, the door opened. An older looking man stood in the doorway. He looked at her for a moment before smiling. "Perfect timing, follow me."

The man took off down the hall and she quickly followed him into a room. Her eyes scanned the room to see Elle, Derek, and Spencer along with the blonde haired woman and another older man with dark brown hair. Gideon clapped his hands together as he said, "Alright. Before we begin, I have an announcement to make. We have a new recruit. She was top in not only her class but the whole department. Everyone, this is Lindsey Scott."

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