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season 6 episode 18

season 6 episode 18

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Pay It Forward

Buck was on the phone with Connor. Kameron had been living with them for a few days now and it had come to the point where Connor and her needed to make up.

Because she was pregnant, the couple let her sleep up in their bed. This meant that they had to take the couch. Normally the couch was fine, but with two people sleeping on it, it was a little harder. They were constantly waking up in the middle of the night trying to get comfortable. Most of the time they ended up with Lindsey laying on top of Buck, the two squished side by side with Bucks arms holding Lindsey so she wouldn't fall off, or Lindsey getting the couch to herself and Buck sleeping on the floor right by her.

Needless to say, they missed their bed.

While Buck was on the phone, Lindsey was picking up their blankets and pillows. Trying to make their living room more presentable and make it not look like they had been living down there for days.

"Your wife cannot live in my apartment forever, okay? You have to talk to her." Buck said quietly into his phone. Kameron was in the kitchen and they didn't want her to hear.

Lindsey couldn't make out what Connor was saying, it was all muffled, but by the look on Bucks face it didn't seem like Connor was agreeing.

"Listen, not my wife, not my baby...hey don't even go there. Look Connor, you're having a kid now. You have to grow up, stop hiding, and find a way to be honest with Kameron about how you feel."

"Buck?" Kameron called. They turned to see her standing there, a jar in her hands. When she noticed he was on the phone, she asked, "Who are you talking to?"

"I'm not talking to any...uh. It was actually just a telemarketer."

Lindsey had to keep herself from laughing. The whole thing was ridiculous. The fact that they couldn't tell Kameron that they were on the phone with Connor made Lindsey want to laugh.

Buck opened the jar for Kameron and then made his way back over to the couch. Reaching out, he caught Lindsey's hand and pulled her down to his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she asked, "Don't you have to leave for work?"

He pulled her closer to him. Placing a kiss on her temple, he responded with, "I can spare a few minutes to sit here with you." She gave him a sweet smile and then cuddled herself into his side, resting her head in the crook of his neck.

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