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season 5 episode 8

season 5 episode 8

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Defend in Place

It had been a long night for Lindsey. Patrolling on her own was never easy. She had picked up some extra shifts to make up for the days she missed, not that she needed to. She just wanted to.

She rolled up to the hospital and saw that there were multiple police cars, firetrucks, ambulance and more. There had been an explosion at the hospital, which meant that the hospital had to be evacuated.

Lindsey helped to keep people away from the hospital. Crowd control was her job tonight.

While making sure the news vans stayed back, a familiar voice caught Lindsey's attention. "Athena?" Lindsey called as she made her way towards the woman and Michael. "What are you doing here?" Lindsey asked and Athena sighed, "David's in there."

Lindsey's eyes drifted to the burning building, "Oh my god." She muttered. She turned to see Michael's worried expression and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Bobby!" Athena called and her husband made his way over to them. "Where's David? Have you seen him? I-I think he's in one of the ORs." Michael told him.

"Well, he should've been evacuated by now. What's he still doing in there?" Bobby asked. "He was in the middle of surgery when the explosion happened." Athena explained. Michael added, "He didn't come out. I think he's still in there. You got to find him, Bobby."

"I will see what I can do."

"He can't die on me." Michael pleaded and Bobby's eyes met his, "He is not gonna die."

Lindsey watched as a woman strolled around anxiously. "Excuse me, Ms? Are you okay?" Lindsey asked her. "My husband was in surgery I haven't seen him yet." The woman's voice broke and Lindsey didn't hesitate to wrap a comforting arm around her.

"Can we pray with you?" Athena asked and the woman nodded. They all reached for each others hands. Lindsey took a breath as she let her eyes close. As Lindsey listened to Athena speak, she prayed that David and this woman's husband were gonna make it out. She prayed for all the staff and patients still stuck in the hospital. She prayed for all the first responders, especially the 118, especially Buck.

People around them reached their hands out. A silence feel amongst them. Lindsey prayed for this night to be over. For everyone to be okay.

She felt the woman squeeze her hand a little harder and Lindsey looked to see tears falling down her eyes. She gave the woman a reassuring squeeze back.

"Michael, Michael look." Athena said, catching their attention. They turned to see firefighters exiting the building, with them was David.

Lindsey let out a sigh of relief. A smile made its way onto her face as she watched Michael pull David into a hug.

Her eyes then moved to the woman and she watched as she ran towards the gurney that her husband was on. She watched as happy tears fell down the woman's face as she placed his ring back on his finger.

Her eyes moved again and they were met with Bucks blue ones. He gave her a soft smile and she smiled back. She watched as Eddie came up next to him and patted him on the shoulder. They were okay. Everyone was okay.

Lindsey's eyes snapped open when she felt someone lightly shake her. "What-what's going on?" She asked in her groggy state. Buck let out a laugh as he said, "You're alarm was going off for your medicine but you didn't wake up."

Rubbing at her eyes, she said, "Oh, thanks for waking me." She went to stand up but Buck placed a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down onto the couch. "I already grabbed your medicine for you." He held out his hands, one with the pills and one with water.

She grabbed both and quickly swallowed her medicine. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that." Buck just shrugged as he stood up, "Didn't want you to miss taking your medicine."

He took the now empty glass from her hands and made his way back into the kitchen. Lindsey looked down at her phone and saw she had a missed call from JJ. She quickly called her back, "Hey JJ, sorry I was asleep."

"That's okay. I just wanted to call to let you know that the replicators gone." Lindsey's eyebrows furrowed, "When you mean gone, you mean..."


That was all Lindsey needed to hear. She let out a sigh of relief, "Oh my...but how? I don't understand."

Lindsey heard JJ sigh, "Let's just say it's been a long couple days. In the end he ended up falling for his own game."

"Well karmas a bitch." Lindsey said with a laugh and JJ also laughed at Lindsey's words. "I wish you guys would have called me sooner though. I would have loved to help."

"We know, but it just happened so fast. Plus, after your accident we didn't want you to get hurt again." Lindsey rolled her eyes, "I would have been fine. Next time, call me please."

"Sure...there's also one other thing." Lindsey felt her heart start to race at JJs words, those words were never good. "What is it?"

"Erin Strauss is dead."

Buck, who was standing behind the counter, watched Lindsey. He watched as her face dropped and a sad look took over. She wasn't on the phone for much longer. After she said her goodbyes, Buck made his way over to her. "Everything okay?"

"Uh, the replicators dead." Lindsey said and his eyes widened. "Thats great...right?"

Lindsey nodded and her gaze dropped down to her hands as she started to spin her rings, "It is...it's just..." She took in a shaky breath before saying, "I'm gonna have to leave for the weekend. I have another funeral to go to."

a short chapter...but the replicator is finally gone!

i thought about lindsey flying out to help but she had just gotten blown up and was recovering from that, plus that episode is like an hour and a half long so...that would have taken me a while to write and quite honestly i just didn't feel like doing it

next chapter will be longer and quite interesting

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