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season 2 episode 15

season 2 episode 15

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Oceans 9-1-1

Lindsey had been suspended for two weeks. She didn't care. In the end it was worth it and Maddie was safe, which was all that really mattered.

During her two week suspension, she spent most of her time with her parents. Her mom was still doing well. Shes finishing up her last rounds of chemo. Which so far have been working.

Also during her two week suspension, she spent a lot of time with Buck and Maddie. She would go over to their place for dinners and they would sometimes meet for coffee or other things. Buck would even pop over at her place sometimes to tell her about his day and to just give her some company.

After everything that happened, they all seemed to grow closer.

It was Chimneys first day back. Lindsey still had two more days of suspension so she decided to stop over at station 118 to help set everything up.

When she walked in she saw Buck and Eddie on ladders hanging up a sign that said, "Chimney: 2 Death: 0." Hen was trying to direct them and was obviously getting frustrated with them.

"Hey guys, nice sign. But uh, Buck your corner is just a little too high." Lindsey said as she walked over to them. "I told you!" Hen exclaimed. Lindsey could feel the tension between everyone, "Okay...well I brought brownies. And don't worry, their safe."

Eddie and Hen laughed, thinking back to that crazy day while Buck made his way down the ladder. "Wait, you made them right?"

"Of course!"

Buck threw his hands in the air, "Yes!" Hen and Eddie both turned to him with weird looks. "Linds makes the BEST brownies." Lindsey blushed at the compliment, "I wouldn't say their the best, but I mean, they are pretty good."

Buck made his way over to her and grabbed the brownies, "I can take those for you." He started to walk away, "Buck you can't have any till Chimney gets here." Lindsey yelled to him and he yelled back, "I know, I'll wait!" She couldn't see his face but she just knew he was lying.

"So you bake?" Eddie asked. "Not really. I can only make brownies. Maddie and Buck invited me over for dinner one night and I didn't want to show up empty handed. Buck devoured almost the whole plate." Lindsey laughed and so did Eddie, "Yeah, sounds like him."

"So...I heard you had a pretty big save the other day." Lindsey said, trying to keep conversation. There had been an outage with the 911 system so everyone had to go old school. It was a crazy day, and Lindsey felt bad leaving Athena all on her own.

There had been a gas leak which caused multiple explosions and fires. Eddie had scaled one of the houses and broke in through a window to save a kid. "Yeah, it was crazy. Like I didn't even think, I just did it. My mind was just set on saving that kid."

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