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season 7 episode 3

season 7 episode 3

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"Hen, I have to pee and this baby is resting right on my bladder. How much longer do we have to wait?" Lindsey asked as she leaned against the wall of the station.

Hen sighed, "Once they get a call we can go in."

"But we've been waiting out here for 30 minutes," Lindsey groaned, "I'm all for this secret spy stuff but maybe we should just tell them the truth."

"Not yet. Not until we have more proof."

Lindsey felt her phone buzz and she looked to see Buck had sent her another text.

Buck😘: Are you okay? I woke up and you were gone. I tried calling, please answer so I know you are fine. I'm starting to worry.

My Girl❤️: I'm good! I'm so sorry, I forgot to leave a note. Hen had called asking if I could come over and I didn't want to wake you cause I knew you had another shift. But I swear, i'm fine.

Buck😘: That's okay, just glad you're safe. How's Hen doing? Has she said anything about us?

Lindsey went to respond but stopped when she heard Hen ask, "Is that Buck?" Lindsey looked up at her and nodded, "He's just worried. Wants to know i'm okay...And if you're okay."

"I'll be much better once we find this cruise ship."

The bell went off at the station and Hen and Lindsey hid behind the corner, waiting for the trucks to leave.

Staying against the wall, Hen made her way towards the entrance. Lindsey stayed put for a moment and watched as the truck left. She felt another buzz and looked to see another text from Buck.

Buck😘: So when were you going to tell me that Bobby and Athena's cruise ship might be missing?

Lindsey sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. Instead of responding, she shoved her phone in her pocket and quietly followed Hen into the station.

They snuck into Caps office and Hen logged in to his computer. She began to fill out a Priority Resource Requisition. Lindsey watched as she typed quickly.

A phone rang and Lindsey expected it to be Buck but when she saw Maddie's contact, she hit answer and put her on speaker. "Hey Mads, any news?"

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