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season 6 episode 8

What's your Fantasy?🚨

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What's your Fantasy?

Lindsey immediately hopped up and ran past Buck, who was attaching the kids chair to the kitchen chair, and opened the door. "Hello!" Lindsey sang as she looked at Chimney, Maddie, and Jee.

"If that my favorite girl?" Buck asked as he made his way to the door. Lindsey turned to him, clearing her throat and placing her hands on her hips. "I mean...is that my second favorite girl?" Buck tried again and Lindsey just laughed along with Chimney and Maddie.

"Who's that? What's uncles name?" Maddie asked Jee. "Buck." She answered and everyone cheered. "And who's that? Auntie..." Maddie trailed off as she pointed towards the brunette. "Lindsey." She answered though it came out more like Liney. They cheered again as Buck reached out to grab Jee.

"She's had breakfast and been changed. So you should be good till lunch." Maddie said as she placed the diaper bag on the chair. Chimney began to unload the food that they made, "Yes, we've got turkey sandwich squares or organic chicken nuggets. If she goes for the nuggets, no sharing. You are on your own." His last part being pointed towards Buck who just laughed.

"You guys must be excited, huh? Finally going house hunting?" Lindsey asked the two. Maddie nodded, "I think so. I mean, our apartment has so many memories and firsts..."

"We're ready for seconds, as in a second bedroom." Chimney finished. Bucks head shot over to them, "Oh, you're sick of having the world's most adorable roommate, huh?" His eyes shifted back to Jee, a smile on his face.

"The world's most adorable roommate has been very active lately. The terrible twos are no joke." Chimney said, whispering the second part. "Come on, she's not even two yet." Buck said, defending his niece.

"Well, try telling her that." Maddie commented and Chimney added, "Oh, we'd better get moving. We got four drive-bys, three showings, two open houses, and hopefully a pear tree to fit our partridge in."

"Are you guys sure you're okay with her all day?" Maddie asked the couple. "Are you kidding me? I get to spend the whole day with my niece. I'm living the dream." Buck smiled at them and Lindsey nodded, "We'll be fine. We have a fun day planned. You guys go enjoy house hunting."

"Okay, here we go. What are you going to use?" Buck asked as he dumped the crayons onto the table. Jee grabbed a crayon and Buck smiled. His smile didn't last for long when Jee threw the crayon at him. Lindseys hand flew to her mouth to cover her laugh.

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