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season 5 episode 4

season 5 episode 4

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Home and Away

"I'm sorry and I love you."

Maddies voice rang through the screen. Lindsey let out a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. "Come on, there's gotta be something, right? Maybe someone's after her? Or maybe-"

"Chim!" Lindsey cut him off. She turned towards him and rested her hand over his. "You've had me watch this video three times. There is no hidden message. There is no one after her."

Chimney reached towards his ipad, "Are-are you sure? Let's just watch it again to make sure." Lindsey slowly took the ipad from his hands. "Chim, watching it again isn't gonna change anything. Maddie is struggling from postpartum and she is suffering. She just needs some time."

"But..." He trailed off as he ran his hands over his face, "Why does it have to be away from us? From me and Jee." The baby in question was sleeping in her carrier on the floor next to them. "I don't know. Look, I can't tell you exactly what Maddie is thinking or what she is doing. But I can tell you that whatever she is doing, she believes it is going to help her. So if some time away is what she needs, then she needs to do it."

"She...she can't just-but she can't just leave us." Chimney cried and Lindsey pulled him into a hug. "Can't you use your FBI skills to track her?" Lindsey squeezed him tightly as she said, "As much as I want to, I can't. She doesn't want to be found Chim. Not right now. But she will come back. I know she will."

Chimney cried into Lindsey's shoulder and she just continued to hold him. Tears fell down her face as she felt him continue to shake and sob. "And until she comes back, I'm right here. Whatever you need, I am here to help. I'm not leaving you and Jee on your own."

The door opened to reveal Eddie. "Hey, I was kind of confused by your text. Why'd you..." She trailed off as she noticed the person standing in Eddie's kitchen. Buck was there with a giant bruise on his eye. "Oh." She grimaced.

Eddie led the two of them into his living room. "So...how'd that happen?" She asked Buck as she took a seat on Eddie's couch. "Chimney. He wasn't very happy when he found out that I knew Maddie was leaving."

Eddie handed Buck a beer and Lindsey a glass of red wine. "Ah, that sucks." Lindsey commented while Eddie also handed Buck a bag of ice. "He got you good."

"Look, I get why he's mad. What am I supposed to do? She begged me not to tell him we talked." Buck said to them. Eddie shrugged, "She's your sister."

"Thought I could help them both. Could, uh, convince her to come home and stop him from spiraling out of control. Kind of feels like I failed on both fronts." Eddie took a sip of his beer before saying, "You were always gonna fail."

"Wow, that's dark." Lindsey muttered into her glass.

"Look, you love Maddie, and you love Chimney. And you're the guy who likes to fix things. But maybe this isn't something you can fix." Eddie explained.

Lindsey turned to Buck, "He's right. You can't fix this. Maddie was going to leave no matter what. There was nothing Chimney could have done to stop her. She needs this, and while it sucks, she'll come back."

"He-he kept on saying that, you know, she could be in trouble. She needs our help. But I know she's gonna be okay. He just doesn't know her the way I do." Buck said to them. "Or you don't know her the way he does. When you think of your sister, you see this person you've always looked up to. The woman who's taken care of you. But maybe that's not who she is right now. This time, maybe she's the one who needs taken care of." Eddie argued.

Bucks eyes widened a little as he took in Eddie's words. He let out a sigh, "You think he's gonna forgive me?"

"No." Lindsey smacked Eddie on the arm. "Kidding. I'm kidding. Maybe." The three laughed and Eddie took notice of the ice that was in Bucks lap. "Ice goes on the eye bud."

"Okay, I got it."

That night Lindsey got a call from Chimney. He was gonna go after Maddie. While Lindsey believed that Maddie needed time to herself, she also believed that Maddie needed help. So she told Chimney to go.

Maddie needed him, and he needed Maddie.

like i said, short chapter
the next one will be short too but it will be a little more interesting

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