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season 3 episode 1

season 3 episode 1

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Kids Today

"Knock, knock. Anyone home? I brought donuts!" Lindsey yelled as she walked into Bucks apartment. "Donuts?" She heard him call.

Buck had been stuck at home for two months due to his broken leg. Lindsey, who still felt bad about the whole thing, had been visiting him almost every day. She would bring him food, watch movies with him, play games, anything to keep his mind busy. All he wanted was to get back to work and she knew he was upset at the fact that he couldn't.

Placing the donuts on the counter, she looked up to see Buck moving towards her as fast as he could with his crutches. "Chocolate! My favorite!" He grabbed one, taking a bite. "I know, that's why I got them." Lindsey said, leaning against the counter.

"So how'd your mom's appointment go?" Buck asked once he finished his donut. "Really good. The cancers gone." Saying it out loud took so much weight off of her. Buck immediately pulled her into a hug, "That's great Linds!"

"Yeah, she still has to go for checks here and there but there's a low probability of it coming back." She grabbed a chocolate donut and took a bite, "But what about you? You excited to get that cast off?"

"Yeah but I think I'm more excited to get back to work. You know?"

She nodded, taking another bite of her donut, "Oh I know. Speaking of work though, I gotta get going. But I'll be over sometime tomorrow, ok?" Buck nodded and Lindsey leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.

Once she got to her car she realized what she did. "Oh..." She whispered as she turned back to look at Bucks building.

Athena was driving them down the I-710 freeway. They were currently in a high speed pursuit. "105 in a 65 mile an hour zone. He passed us about three miles back." Athena spoke to the dispatcher.

"Is the suspect male?"

"Too hard to see." Lindsey said while Athena said, "The suspect was a blur."

"Can you tell if anyone else is in the vehicle?"

Lindsey kept her eyes on the yellow car while Athena said, "The only way we're gonna see who's in that car is if we get a whole lot closer."

Maddie had gotten a call from the driver and Josh, one of the 9-1-1 operators, patched in Athena and Lindsey. Apparently the kid can't stop the car. "You think the kids telling the truth?" Athena asked Josh. "I think children, as a rule, are pathological liars. So who knows? But this one seems pretty scared."

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