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season 4 episode 13

season 4 episode 13

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"Popcorn bucket?" Lindsey asked and May shook her head. She continued to draw on the board. "Uh..." Lindsey trailed off as she watched May draw a stick figure. "Screen?" May turned to Lindsey and motioned her hand to continue. "Oh, Oh, Oh Movie theater!" Lindsey yelled as she jumped off Athenas couch.

"Yes! Ding, Ding, a movie theater." May said and Lindsey leaned over to high five her.

They were having a game day. Athena always invites Lindsey over when they play games and Lindsey always teams up with May. The two were unbeatable whenever they were together.

"How did you get movie theater from that?" David asked. He was Michaels partner since Bobby wasn't home. Athena was partnered up with Harry.

"We're just that good." Lindsey told him. Michael rolled his eyes, "Uh no, i'm pretty sure you two are cheating." Lindsey and May both gave him an offended look. "No, they're just that good, Michael." Athena said with a laugh and he rolled his eyes again.

"Okay, where's Bobby? I need my partner." Michael said. "I'm not sure where he is. He should have been home by now. Just said he was having lunch with someone from work." Athena told him.

David leaned into Michael, "And I thought I was your partner?" Michael patted David on the arm, "Oh baby, I just usually play with Bobby, that's all."

"Oh, it's for your own safety, trust me. Bobby is the only one who can deal with Michaels competitive streak." Michael gave Athena an offended look and Athena laughed, "You'll thank me later."

Everyone turned at the sound of the door opening and Bobby walked in. "Oh, there he is. Hey." Athena said. "Hey, sorry i'm late. Lunch went long."

"Oh that's okay." Athena said. "Yeah you didn't miss much except for Lindsey and I kicking their butts." May told him and Bobby laughed, "I'm not surprised."

"Now that you're here, you ready to take them down, partner?" Michael asked him. "Oh I am, I just got to get these clothes off-i've been racing around-take a shower and then i'll join you guys."

"A shower?" Athena asked. "Yeah, it'll just be a minute." Bobby said as he entered the bedroom.

"Alright, Harry and Athena, you're up."

"You think he's drinking again?" Lindsey asked Athena. "I could smell the bourbon on his shirt." Athena told her. "And it would explain why he needed to take a shower when he got home." She added.

Lindsey nodded, "I guess. But I mean...It's Bobby. Do you really think he'd try and hide something like this from you?" Athena sighed as she took a seat on Lindsey's couch. Lindsey walked over and took the seat next to her. "Maybe there's more to it than you think. Just talk to him Athena."

"Yeah, you're right. I will...You know, maybe you should take your own advice." Athena suggested. Lindsey turned to her with a confused look, "What?"

"You and Buck. You two haven't talked since that night, right?"

Lindsey sighed, "Yeah but...What else is there to say. I told him everything I needed to, I ended it. And now he has Taylor, which, he has every right to be with her if he wants too." Athena nodded, "You're right but that doesn't mean that it still doesn't hurt. It's only been a couple weeks and he's already talking with someone else. You're aloud to be upset. To feel however you need to feel."

"I'm fine, Athena. Seriously, I'm okay." Athena gave her a look that told her that she didn't believe her. "Seriously Thena, I'm good. How'd this conversation even turn to me, we are supposed to be talking about you."

Lindsey was busy making herself some lunch when her phone rang. She looked to see who it was and her eyes widened in surprise. Hesitantly, Lindsey answered the call. "Buck? Hey, what's..."

"It's Eddie. He's been shot."

super short chapter today
tomorrows will be longer

only one more chapter till season 5

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