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season 5 episode 11

Outside Looking In🚨

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Outside Looking In

Lindsey reached for her glass and took a sip of her wine. Her other hand held her fork which continued to push the food around on the plate.

"Your food okay?" Eddie asked. He had invited Lindsey and Buck over for dinner. Lindsey nodded, "Yeah, I mean, it's really good. I'm just not that hungry, so..." She trailed off and Eddie gave her a suspicious look, "You ate something before you came here, didn't you?"

"Well..." She trailed off again. Buck continued for her, "We didn't want to take any chances. Besides, a hangry Lindsey is not something you wanna see." Lindsey shot Buck an offended look as she smacked him on the arm.

"But this is, this is really good," Buck continued to say and a look of realization flashed across his face, "Carla, you can come out. I know you made dinner. Come on. Where are you?" Eddie scoffed, "All this time people thought I was a bad cook."

"You were." Chris commented which caused Lindsey and Buck to laugh.

"Now that i'm on a regular schedule, I've had a lot more time to practice." Eddie told them and Lindsey nodded, "Yeah, well, practice definitely makes perfect. I'm very impressed."

"Me too. You got to make this when you come back to the firehouse." Buck added and Lindsey watched as Eddie's face fell. He quickly brushed it off and said, "Hope you're not too full for dessert."

"Is that possible?" Lindsey asked as Eddie started to collect their plate. She looked over to Buck and motioned for him to follow Eddie.

While the two talked in the kitchen, Lindsey spent the time asking Christopher about Christmas and all the presents he got.

"Dispatch, 727-Adam-30. Approaching the vehicle now." Lindsey said into the radio as Athena pulled the car up next to vehicle.

"All right, I'm deploying the drone to check for devices." Jim, leader of the bomb squad, said from the back seat, and they watched as a drone flew towards the vehicle. "Home made device. Could be packed with a nitrate or a chloride compound." Jim said and Lindsey sighed, "Any one of those would take out the truck and then some."

The radio beeped and Athena grabbed a hold of the walkie, "We do see something. It's cause for concern."

"So-so now what? Do we diffuse it?" They heard the father who is driving the vehicle ask. Athena turned to look at Jim who was shaking his head. "We can't do anything while you're moving."

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