Chapter 11

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The next day, Itachi was no longer the boy he used to be. He came home late at night and went straight to bed. The whole night he had Shisui in front of his eyes and the words in his head that he would never forget. Hinari's sleeping face hadn't made his thoughts any better. If only she knew what she would soon find out. It broke his heart. 

"Nii-chan, are you training with us?" his little brother asked as he put on his shoes. "Sorry Sasuke, another time yes." he said and tapped him on the forehead.

Hinari tilted her head slightly. Why hadn't Shisui picked her up? Was he on a mission again and couldn't tell her? Unfortunately, she couldn't see how late Itachi and Shisui were getting. She could also barely see his gaze, which was directed at her.

Sulking, Sasuke looked at his brother, who ran to the door. Less than a second later, it was open and behind it stood three Uchiha who belonged to the police. "Can I help you?" Itachi asked coldly.

"Yes, do you know where Shisui is?" one of them asked. "Why?" Curious, Hinari walked closer and heard a small rustling sound, which must have come from a piece of paper. "We found this. These words were written by Shisui, who can't be found. We know that he had no mission."

Itachi remained emotionless and looked at the three of them. "What does that have to do with me?" "Well, there was a meeting yesterday and you two weren't there. Besides, you're Shisui's best friend, right?" the middle one said and looked briefly into the hallway where he saw a little girl. "His sister."

"So, what do you want from me?" Itachi asked. "Shisui was found not far from Konoha." the Uchiha finally got to the point. "We found him dead and are accusing you of killing him."

Hinari froze. What had the Uchiha just said? Her brother was supposed to be dead? "Itachi?" the girl asked, raising her head. She could see irregularities in his chakra. She swallowed hard when there was no answer from him and so she had her answer.

Tears flowed from her eyes as she was scrutinized by everyone present. Her lips quivered and her eyes were fixed on the doorstep. In the end, she didn't know where to look. Itachi would never have killed her brother! That was a lie! But the fact that her brother was dead had to be true because of Itachi's reaction. He had told her the other day that he loved her.

Grief gripped her like a clamp that squeezed tighter and tighter. "Hinari..." she heard the soft voice of Sasuke, who didn't know what to do. Itachi's heart broke again when he had to look at Hinari. Now was not the time to tell her the truth. She needed her time to grieve.

But he was angry with the three Uchiha. How could they claim to be responsible for his death?! It wasn't long before he gave vent to his anger and finally had to apologize after Sasuke had asked him to. He even had to apologize to his father for his behaviour. However, his Mangekyou Sharingan could be seen, which was activated briefly, but disappeared again after he looked at Hinari. She stood in the hallway as before. She hadn't moved a millimeter, not even when Sasuke grabbed her hand.

Without hesitation, Itachi stood up and walked towards the girl. He crouched down in front of her, wanting so much to take away her pain. Although Sasuke saw that Itachi showed more emotion towards Hinari, he wasn't jealous of her. He could understand Itachi's behavior, but he didn't know how he could help her. Why did something like this have to happen to her?

"Hinari, listen to me. Your brother was very proud of you." Itachi spoke and lifted her head slightly. Even if she didn't look him in the eye, he knew that she was addressing him. How he would love to put her in a genjutsu where she could see what had happened. What Shisui had said. But her blindness meant he couldn't.

Hinari felt in her heart that she had had such a feeling before. It had been a long time ago, but she remembered that her eyes had hurt. Automatically, out of fear of getting that feeling again, she activated her Sharingan, which immediately took on the three Tomoe. Itachi's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. Shisui had told him once during training. Since she couldn't see the death of loved ones, but could feel it, she had received the Sharingan when her parents died. She was just a small child at the time, just like Sasuke. There had never been an Uchiha who had awakened the Sharingan so early.

"Calm down Hinari..." Itachi said softly and was looked at directly by her Sharingan. At that moment, he realized that she could see the people exactly. Now he also knew why Shisui wanted her to rely on her blindness and her chakra. He didn't want Hinari to walk around with the Sharingan and permanently consume chakra.

 "Itachi..." he heard her say in panic as the tears continued to flow down. Sasuke froze as he looked at his best friend, who had the Sharingan. But his eyes widened even more as they began to change.

"It hurts so much..." Hinari spoke when she could no longer bear the pain. Her vision through the Sharingan became better and better and she saw Itachi's eyes widen more and more.

And just at that moment, when the pain was at its strongest, Hinari looked into Itachi's red Mangekyou Sharingan, which showed her the truth with the genjutsu. Unfortunately, he had only intensified her emotions even more. But he had no other choice. It was his chance to show and tell her what she had to do.

The moment Hinari had to see Shisui's death, the reason why he had done it, her vision intensified even more. The three black tomoe had changed into a different form.

Hinari Uchiha had received her Mangekyou Sharingan.

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