Chapter 75

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Hinari had been surprised that she was part of the attack unit, but it gave her a chance to get to the enemy and perhaps gather information. But what had surprised her most was that Gaara had asked her to go.

It wouldn't be long before everyone had to gather in Kumogakure. Before the shinobi split up, everyone had said goodbye to each other, including Hinari, who was standing with Shikamaru. Even though he was smart, she knew that he would be well looked after. "Take care of yourself." the Nara asked his girlfriend, who smiled gently. "Nothing will happen to me. But you should be more careful." she teased lightly before taking her friend in her arms. He held Hinari tightly and gritted his teeth slightly. "Why don't I believe her?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him." Temari laughed lightly, who had to get him. Hinari broke away from Shikamaru and looked at the blonde-haired girl. With a short nod, Hinari let her know that she was glad. When she thought about it, Temari was becoming a good friend after all. A few years ago, she had thought that Shikamaru was with her. Hinari really had to admit that she was jealous. "I can take care of myself." Shikamaru said and rolled his eyes.

Hinari laughed softly. Shikamaru exhaled softly before pulling Hinari close again and kissing her. He didn't know when he would see her again. Feeling her soft lips on his once more calmed him. "It's unbearable..." Temari murmured before she took Shikamaru lightly by his vest and pulled him away from his girlfriend. "We have to go." Hinari laughed again as Shikamaru gave Temari a rather annoyed look.

Still, the blonde was right. Each division had already lined up and Hinari ran towards the small group that accompanied her. "It's not going to be easy." Kankuro said, looking at the division leaders while Gaara gave his speech. "War is never easy." Sai said, looking at the faces of the shinobi.

Hinari, on the other hand, looked more at Kankuro. "Why did Gaara want me to accompany you?" she asked and was looked at by the sunaninja. "He thinks that you can do a lot in battle and that we might stumble upon Madara's hiding place. He hopes that this will help us find Sasuke." Hinari looked at him with widened eyes. Gaara had thought of Sasuke?

"When Sasuke attacked the Kage, Gaara spoke to him. He told Sasuke that Naruto and you would never give up on him. However, he had hit a sore spot with him." "What did he say?" Hinari asked curiously.

"Gaara asked Sasuke what he would do if he was completely addicted to hatred. If he would hurt and kill you like he did his brother." Hinari stared at Kankuro with wide eyes. Gaara had said what?! "The answer was simple. I would never kill my best friend, who is like a sister to me. We were there for each other, and I would rather die for her than let her die."

Hinari swallowed and looked down at her feet. So Sasuke was on her side no matter what. Gaara hoped that she could get Sasuke on her side. The corners of her mouth lifted slightly. Team 7 against Madara didn't sound so bad.

When Gaara had finished speaking, all the divisions ran off. Kankuro's group also made their way to their location. They would be the first to encounter opponents. Their goal was to advance as far as possible.

The stony landscape faded away and for a moment the shinobi ran across the sandy ground until they all split up. Hinari saw the forest floor after only a few hours, which she would now see for a long time. Deep down, she knew that something would soon happen that no one would expect.

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