Chapter 35

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The sky was weeping, the raindrops pattering down on the heads of the shinobi who had gathered. Only yesterday, Konoha had been attacked by Sunagakura, who had been working with Orochimaru. And now the Konoha shinobi were standing on the pictures of the fallen ninjas. Among them was a picture of the third Hokage, who had given his life for the village. Hinari had found out yesterday when she and Kakashi had put the Sunaninjas to flight. She didn't even have time to take care of Sasuke, who had come back injured with Naruto.

She heard Konohamaru crying in the middle of the crowd. It hurt to know that he had lost his grandfather. As far as Hinari knew, he only had Asuma left. The Uchiha had to swallow hard. Why had it come to this? What was Orochimaru trying to achieve?

The white lily, which the girl now placed on the pedestal, had already received a few drops of rain. Thanks to Sakura, she knew exactly where to put her flower, at least she had seen it through her flower. It was an oppressive mood and somehow it reminded her of the Uchiha massacre. Even though it was people Hinari barely knew, it was painful. Nothing could come close to the massacre.

Hinari walked home together with Sasuke. None of them spoke a word, even when they arrived at the apartment. Each of them pursued their own thoughts. "You can shower before me." came out of the silence from Sasuke, who took a towel to at least dry his hair a little. "All right, thanks." Hinari mumbled before disappearing into the bathroom.

Sometimes she was really grateful to Sasuke that he didn't talk much. His little gestures always made her happy. Why couldn't he show this gentle side to everyone? Why did he have to keep everything inside?

The warm water ran down her body. Hinari immediately relaxed as she breathed in the steam. She gently rubbed herself with the soap and then rinsed it off again. The smell of sweet cherry spread throughout the room. She liked this smell, even if Sasuke hated it. Nevertheless, he always let her into the bathroom first. All he had to do was tell her that he could hardly stand the smell. She would never hate him for it.

After just a few minutes, she wrapped her towel around herself to dry off a little before leaving the room. Actually, everyone would take new clothes with them, except Hinari. She didn't care how someone walked around the apartment, unless the person was naked.

Sasuke was already used to Hinari sometimes walking around with just a towel. For him, this situation was completely normal. He simply saw her as his best friend and sister. It was human to walk around like that. However, any girl would blush with shame.

"I made some tea." he said as Hinari came closer. "Thank you." She smiled softly, raised her hand and tapped him on the forehead. Even though Sasuke only knew this gesture from Itachi, he couldn't help but smile. To return the affection, he tousled her damp hair. A smile could be seen, which automatically made Sasuke smile as well. Why was he so relaxed with her? Full of emotion?

"Thank you for being here." Sasuke said for the first time. He had never thanked the Uchiha for being with him before. "Nah, it's obvious." Hinari grinned and sipped her tea.

No, that wasn't clear. "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid." Hinari continued to grin. She hoped that she could make him stay in Konoha with that sentence. She knew that he had had several thoughts about going to Orochimaru. But she didn't want to lose him. Sasuke was her support, her eyes. She would be lost without him, even if she could do a lot on her own.

Sasuke tossed her hair again before running into the bathroom and inhaling the cherry scent. Yes, he didn't particularly like this scent, but he would always ask Hinari in first. He had promised himself to look after her. Even if Shisui was no longer alive, he certainly wanted his sister to be well. He was doing it for the Uchiha and would never be able to hurt Hinari. But the thought of perhaps leaving her alone soon hurt him. Yes, he toyed with the idea of going to Orochimaru. However, this would be no place for Hinari.

She would never get out of there alive. Sasuke didn't want anything to happen to her. Konoha was her home and his. They had grown up here. He couldn't tear Hinari's familiar surroundings apart if he took her with him. He exhaled softly as the warm water hit him. He didn't know what to do at all. Should he stay? Should he go to Orochimaru?

The only thing he knew was that he wanted to kill Itachi. That was his goal. And no matter what he decided, he would not stray from his goal.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora