Chapter 47

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Because Hinari had spoken to Itachi, she had also missed a lot of what was happening with her team. She wasn't running as fast as she should have. Because there were too many thoughts in her head that she couldn't get rid of. Itachi would die soon when Sasuke was finally ready. But when will that happen? What was Sasuke waiting for?

Hours passed and Hinari reached a clearing where several people could be seen. How long did it take her to get here? "Hinari, there you are!", called Sakura, who was holding Grandma Chiyo in her arms. "Sorry, it took longer."

Sakura looked at her best friend, who had no injuries at all. She had to be really strong if even Itachi couldn't hurt her. Of course she didn't know that the two of them had just talked.

"Hinari! Glad you're okay!" Lee shouted full of enthusiasm. Only then did Hinari see that Team Guy was here. Apparently they were her backup. Guy explained to the Uchiha what had happened. He held his thumb up and grinned so that you could see his teeth sparkling. This reminded her of the Chunin Exam when she had seen it through the shadows.

Unfortunately, she also had to learn that Grandma Chiyo gave up her life for Gaara. Even though she had spoken so many bad things about him, she had not wanted him to leave this world at such a young age. Naruto had once again proven to her that something was worth fighting for.

The funeral took place as soon as everyone got back to Sunagakure. Although they were allowed to spend the whole day in the village, the teams did not return until a day later. Kakashi had once again used his Sharingan too often, which is why he barely had any chakra left.

The farewell to Gaara and his siblings was a bit nervous and reserved. Hinari thought it was cute how Naruto didn't want to shake his hand just because he was the Kazekage. What Hinari didn't expect was Temari coming towards her.

"Has Shikamaru spoken to you yet?" Hinari looked up questioningly at the slightly taller one. "About what?" Temari snorted slightly angrily. That Shikamaru was really an idiot! "Oh, um...he should tell you himself." Temari said with a smile and was looked at even more questioningly. What should Shikamaru tell him?

Panic erupted in Hinari as she thought about the Chunin Exam. Were the two a couple? Didn't Shikamaru want to tell her that he had a girlfriend!? As if Temari could see it on her face, she placed a reassuring hand on Hinari's shoulder. "It's nothing bad, don't worry."

What, she shouldn't worry!? Of course, Hinari was very worried. She loved Shikamaru and if he chose Temari, that was a very big problem for her! How can Temari tell her not to worry!?

"Hinari we're leaving." said Sakura and grabbed her wrist so they could finally leave. Whatever Temari had just told her had completely thrown her for a loop.

Hinari walked silently next to Haruno. Why hadn't Shikamaru never said anything to her before? They were friends after all. Why did he hide something like that from her? "You're really slow Sensei Guy!" TenTen teased and heard him immediately start to shout. "I'm not slow! I'll show you who's slow here!" "Uhm..Guy!"

Guy quickly put his backpack on his chest and Kakashi on his back and started running. He would never arrive last in Konoha. "Sensei Guy.." Lee breathed and beamed. Just like his sensei, he put his backpack in front of his chest and crouched down. "Come on, Neji! We'll catch up with them!" Slightly disgusted and disturbed, Neji saw his comrade. "Forget it!"

Hinari watched the whole thing with amusement and was distracted from Shikamaru. Without saying anything, she took off her backpack and handed it to Lee. Confused, he looked at the Uchiha, who smiled. "Think of it as strength training." Lee looked at the black-haired woman beaming, took the others' luggage and ran off. He certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity to train!

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant