Chapter 68

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Hinari accompanied Shikamaru back to the others, who were relieved that the Uchiha was all right. She had told them that her Susanoo had been able to save her in time. But her grief was still visible. Although Shikamaru did everything he could to relieve her of this grief, it wasn't easy.

The fight that Naruto had led was also over and had made its way to the real Pain. The residents were just waiting for the Uzumaki to come back. Minutes passed before anything stirred. The whole village was enveloped in a bright light coming from the small blue orbs. No one knew what was happening, but everyone who was declared dead woke up. Many were relieved and happy that their comrades were alive again.

Kakashi was also among the dead, who had been revived and was now on his way to Naruto. Hinari remained silent the whole time while her friends talked and exchanged ideas. But a cheer raised her head and she saw Naruto being welcomed. The residents rejoiced and were grateful to Naruto. For years they had shunned him, thinking him a monster, and now they treated him as a hero. It made Hinari happy that he was accepted.

Unfortunately, this joy did not last long. Tsunade was still in a coma and Konoha now had to rebuild everything, which would take a long time. Many tents were erected and, with Yamato's help, small wooden huts were set up for the injured. Word quickly spread that Konoha had been attacked, so that help arrived after just one day. Among them were Tazuna and Inari, who had once again thanked Team 7 and were now also doing them a favor.

It was amazing how well the village stuck together and worked together to set everything up and look after the injured. Hinari also helped where she could even though she couldn't use healing jutsus like Sakura. Instead, she was able to warm the huts in the evening as she could light the wood with her fire jutsu.

When evening came, the friends sat together and ate. Hinari, however, poked around in her food. When she thought about it, each of her friends had something that remained after the destruction. A family and the memories of it. But for Naruto and her, it was all gone, which didn't last long. "Oii boss! As promised, I took care of it!" grinned Konohamaru, who had a box with him. He had accepted it before Naruto had left with the toads. He happily opened the box and beamed when his old tracksuit was inside. "Thank you Konohamaru!"

Without meaning to, Hinari got up and ran away. It was too much for her and now she was probably the only one of her friends who had nothing left except her brother's katana. She couldn't even save anything for Sasuke from the apartment. It hurt her too much to watch Naruto rejoice.

"What about her?" asked Hinata quietly. "Don't hold it against her. She lost everything that was in the apartment. I guess it was very important to her because Sasuke had lived there too." Shikamaru, who had been looking after his girlfriend, explained. His friends bowed their heads at the same time. They hadn't thought that Hinari now had nothing at all. Naruto in particular felt a sadness and anger inside him. He clenched his hands into fists and stood up as well. "Naruto..." Sakura breathed and looked at her comrade. "I won't let her be so sad!"

After Naruto uttered these words, he also left his friends, who looked after him in confusion. "What's wrong with him?" Kiba asked and received several shrugs. No one knew what was wrong with him, but he was right. Hinari shouldn't be sad. However, they didn't know how they could help their friend either.

As far as the Uzumaki was concerned, it was clear what he was up to. His legs carried him back to the destroyed village and searched for the apartment where Hinari had lived. Although it was dark, he searched all night for objects that might be important to Hinari. He didn't want everyone to have anything but her. Hinari was his friend and he had promised Itachi that he would be there for her. He would never break that promise and wouldn't sleep a wink that night.

Completely filthy, Naruto walked through the makeshift camp and was looked at strangely from all sides. In his hands he held an almost torn cardboard box with which he wanted to find Hinari. Inwardly, he hoped that there was something in it that belonged to her. He ignored the wide-eyed stares of his friends. "Did he..." Ino began. "Yes, he did." Kakashi interrupted her sentence. He had seen Naruto rummaging around all night. The friends swallowed and were deeply moved by what Naruto had done. Naruto really was a good soul who would do anything for his friends.

Now that Naruto knew how to use the race mode, it was child's play to find Hinari. She was sitting all alone in the middle of the forest on a bench that had survived the whole shockwave. "Hinari." he addressed her gently. "Hn?" "Here!" Naruto grinned as Hinari lifted her head. Why was he grinning like that?

Her eyes turned to the box he held out to her and took it in her hands. "I've been searching through the remains all night!" he reported proudly as Hinari ran her fingers among the objects. Careful not to break anything, she looked at the objects.

After a short time, her eyes widened as she saw several objects that belonged to her apartment. Among them was the Team 7 picture, a family album and some more pictures she had taken with Sasuke. Tears ran from her eyes before a sob was heard. "Hi..Hinari..." stuttered Naruto, overwhelmed. "I..I didn't mean to make you cry! That..that was supposed to..." he began and was immediately hugged by the Uchiha.

"Thank you...Naruto!" Hinari cried, causing the Uzumaki to exhale in relief. They weren't tears of sadness, but of joy. He had managed to make her happy and grinned happily. "I...thank you very much..." she breathed softly. Hinari was grateful to Naruto for what he had done.

"Naruto Uzumaki, no matter what you do and have done. I thank you for everything."

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now