Chapter 14

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In the next lesson, Hinari had to explain to the whole class how her eyes were really doing. She explained to them that she could see a lot, but only if the healthy parts of her eyes were at the right angle. That's why she kept tilting her head or moving slightly differently. Even if she wasn't accepted, she was proud of herself. Proud to be blind, just as Shisui had advised her.

She also explained to the class that she could perceive many things with smells, sounds and chakras. That was how she had been able to distinguish between them all these years. She could even finally put their faces together. What she simply insisted on, however, was that a Sharingan might help. She didn't want to say that she already had it.

For many, it was now clear why she had stood so helplessly at the blackboard. Why she had never written anything down. She had to learn everything with a lot of practice. Hinari had not fallen on her head and to Shikamaru it almost looked as if she had a high IQ like him. But that wasn't the case. She had not been born with a high IQ.

Shikamaru found the Uchiha more interesting than before. He had never been interested in anything like this before. As far as he knew, there had never been a kunoichi who was blind. He wondered how good she would become once she had the Sharingan. She could solve Ino's jutsu without any problems, although it took a lot of effort. Not even a trained shinobi could do it in a few seconds.

"Do you have any questions for Hinari?" Iruka asked the group. Hinari held her head up slightly, not to look better, but to be able to recognize her comrades better. Unfortunately, all she could see on her right was Sasuke with his chin propped up. On the left, she could see Naruto, who for once showed interest in the lesson.

"Yes, Hinata?" Hinari raised her eyebrow questioningly. Hinata volunteered? And voluntarily? The otherwise shy Hyuga, who had the friendliest personality of the girls, volunteered?

" you use genjutsu?" she asked quietly, so Hinari could barely hear her. She had to make quite an effort, but she understood the question. "I was taught it. However, you can't use it on me unless my healthy eyes look into the jutsu." Hinari explained.

"But a Sharingan doesn't work on me, as far as I know. I suppose that could change if I awaken mine." the Uchiha added. Even if it was surprising to some that Hinata had asked this question, it was obviously interesting.

"What about other jutsus? I mean, you can't see any, how can you learn any yourself?" came from Sakura this time. Hinari didn't know if the pink-haired girl was trying to make a point. However, the others were certainly curious. Actually, if they thought more, they would know how it worked.

"Like I said, I'm not completely blind. I can see things depending on the angle, so I can learn the finger signs that way. But I can also learn a lot from the movements, vibrations and sounds. It takes a lot of practice, though."

"So you only knew the task with the kunai on the blackboard because Sensei Iruka explained it and you were able to visualize it?" Hinari was slightly confused. Shino spoke?

 "Yes, I've had a lot of training with my brother, including how to use a kunai. I couldn't really see it on the board, but with a description I know the answer. But only if I've already seen or heard the task." Hinari smiled. The more she revealed about herself and her comrades asked questions, the more her fear was blown away. Had they accepted her after all? Or did they want to know everything so that they could attack her with a plan? She didn't know, but she wanted to assume that her companions simply wanted to get to know her. Even if they wanted to attack Hinari, she knew that a Hinata would never attack her.

"There, that's enough now. If you want to ask Hinari about other things, please do so after class." Iruka said sternly and released the Uchiha. Hinari smiled happily and walked towards her seat. It was a load off her mind when she was finally able to tell her secret. At last she could live the way she wanted without having to make excuses.

She smiled gently as her eyes were fixed on the table. She noticed that Sasuke looked at her briefly and smiled behind his hands. He was relieved himself that Hinari could be herself from today, even though she always had been to him. Sasuke saw her relief and would continue to train with her from today to support her.

Hinari stopped listening for the rest of the lesson. Her thoughts were far in the future. Would she be able to see one day? Could she find someone who would love her despite her blindness?

No matter what Hinari's future would be, she would have to spend it without her brother. Shisui, to whom she owed so much. Despite the fact that she had to think of him, she smiled.

"Shisui, Nii-chan, do you see that? Do you see that the others don't reject me? Do you see how far I've come? Are you still proud of me?"

Hinari asked him these questions in her mind. But she had forgotten to ask her brother the most important question. Hinari closed her eyes for a brief moment.

"Nii-chan? You're looking after Itachi-Nii, right?"

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now